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Good Morning. First please allowme, on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to extend my warmwelcome to all of you.


Today, we gather here in Beijingto commemorate the 60th anniversary of theFive Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. An international law colloquiumspecially dedicated to the FivePrinciples is the first of its kind as far as I can remember. In that senseI believe this event is of special and far-reaching significance.


Sixty years ago, drawing on thepurposes and principles of the UN Charter,China, India and Myanmar jointly initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. The Five Principles were a direct response to developing countries’appeal against imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism, and reflected theaspirations of those countries for independence, autonomy, self-improvement anddevelopment. The Five Principles alsopioneered a cooperative path for exchanges between countries with differentideologies and social systems. Besides, these Five Principles enriched and developed the fundamental principlesof international law centered on the UNCharter, testifying to developing countries’ firm adherence to thefundamental principles of international law. Epitomizing oriental wisdom, the Five Principles were intended not onlyfor Asia, but also for the world at large, and were a true trailblazer in thehistory of international law and international relations.


During the past six decades, the Five Principles have served as thecornerstone of China’s independent foreign policy of peace. They have beenwritten into the Constitution of thePeople’s Republic of China, and incorporated into the communiqués on theestablishment of diplomatic relations or bilateral treaties that China signedwith over 160 countries. Internationally, they have received wide recognitionand compliance as part of the basic norms governing international relations. TheFive Principles found expressions inthe Ten Principles of Bandungenunciated in the Final Communiqué ofthe 1955 Asian-African Conference ofBandung, and the 1974 UN Charter ofEconomic Rights and Duties of States. Their broad application tointer-state relations also provided evidence of a general practice offundamental principles accepted as law among states as contained in the 1970 UN Declaration on Principles ofInternational Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among Statesin accordance with the Charter of theUnited Nations. It is undeniable that these Principles have promoted the healthy and stable development ofinternational relations, helped achieve international justice, and contributedto world peace and human progress.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Sixty years later, the world isundergoing tremendous and profound changes. States have never been so closelylinked and interdependent as today. People across the world have increasinglyrealized that they live in a community of common destiny. Peace, developmentand cooperation have become the aspirations of people from all countries andthe common pursuit of the international community.


During the past six decades, thetenets of the Five Principles, as aset of principles of international law that is open and inclusive, have beenconstantly enriched by evolving notions from peaceful coexistence to peacefuldevelopment, to harmonious world, and to today’s win-win cooperation andcommunity of common destiny. With its strong vitality and universalapplicability, these Principles will continue to contribute significantly toworld peace and development. Today, as part of our efforts to carry forwardthese Principles, we should uphold four core values enshrined in the Five Principles:


Firstly, the concept ofsovereignty, which forms the foundation of the Five Principles. The principle of sovereignty is about mutualrespect for sovereignty, security and core interests, respect for the inherentright of a country to maintain its unity and territorial integrity, mutualrespect for social system, ideology and path of development, and seeking commonground while reconciling differences. The domestic affairs of a country shouldbe determined by its people, whereas international affairs should be handledthrough consultation by people of all countries in a democratic manner.Individual and collective human rights must be respected, protected andpromoted, and the right to development be defended in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and otherinternational treaties. No country shall interfere in the domestic affairs ofother countries. The world is indeed undergoing enormous changes and there is agrowing convergence of international common interests. But this should not beused as an excuse for wilfully interfering in the domestic affairs of othercountries, or offer ground for acts aimed to incite civil strife, instigateseparation, or overthrow a government. Otherwise the world will be in chaos,and the common interest of the international community is merely empty talk.


Secondly, the concept of peace,which represents the supreme value of the FivePrinciples. To maintain peace, countries must refrain from invasion andoppose war, aggression, threat or use of force. They must uphold the system ofcollective security where the Security Council plays the central role, andconstantly improve the rules-based regional security and stabilityarchitecture. To maintain peace, countries must settle international disputespeacefully, properly resolve issues left over from history, and respect eachother’s right to choose peaceful means for dispute settlement. They must upholdthe spirit of international law based on consent and voluntariness, refrainfrom unilateral actions, and commit themselves to settling disputes throughnegotiations and consultations.


Thirdly, the concept of win-winprogress, which is the ultimate objective of the Five Principles. To achieve win-win progress, countries need toengage in mutually beneficial international cooperation on the basis ofequality. They must promote the establishment of a community of common destiny,in which development is achieved and shared by all. Countries should promoteeconomic cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit, and boost common developmentthrough their own development, which in turn can be safeguarded by commondevelopment. Countries must discard the thinking of clash of civilizations, andpromote exchanges between different cultures such as those of tea and coffee.It is important to advance the coordinated and sustainable development of theeconomy, society and environment, promote the long-lasting well-being ofmankind and the common interests of the international community.


Fourthly, the concept of justice,which is the intrinsic requirement of the FivePrinciples. The inclusion of the word “mutual” or the prefix “co-” in the Five Principles reflects the unity ofrights, obligations and responsibilities. Countries should engage ininternational relations in accordance with international law. No country shallplace itself above international law, apply international law selectively, oradopt double standards in the application of international law. To upholdjustice is to advocate the international rule of law, promote democracy in internationalrelations, maintain international peace and security through legal means,promote cooperation and development, and establish a law-based internationalorder.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The international rule of law isthe common pursuit of mankind and an important priority of the internationalcommunity. Adherence to the core values of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence will provide us withvaluable guidance for the establishment of international rule of law.


Firstly, as regards internationallegislation, countries should participate in international law-making on anequal footing, to reflect rights, obligations and responsibilities of allcountries in a comprehensive, balanced and fair manner, and accommodate theinterests of individual countries and the common interests of the internationalcommunity. The existing legal framework should be further improved and newareas be explored. In particular, international legislation regulating ouractivities in new domains such as high sea, outer space, cyberspace and polarareas need to be enhanced.


Secondly, as regardsinterpretation and application of international law, countries must strictlyabide by treaties, common practices, and other rules of international law. Theyshould exercise their rights within the legal bounds and fulfil theirobligations and responsibilities in good faith. They are also obliged to ensurethe equitable and coherent application of international law. Neither domesticnor international judicial bodies shall ultra vires interpret or applyinternational law, still less deliberately misinterpret the relevant rules. Inone word, the interpretation and application of international law shouldcontribute to international peace, stability and justice.


Thirdly, as regards internationalorder, countries should strive for the establishment of a fair and equitablenew international political and economic order, and ensure that developingcountries are fully represented and their voices equally heard. Countriesshould continue to uphold the central role of the United Nations in maintaininginternational peace and security, securing economic and social stability anddevelopment and enhancing global governance. To sum up, the notions such aspeace, cooperation and win-win progress should be championed with a view toforging a new type of international relations and achieving the commondevelopment of mankind and lasting peace of the world.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


China is a responsible country.We will, as always, uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, practice the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,and stick to the path of peaceful development. China will present itself as afirm defender for state sovereignty, a staunch upholder for international peaceand security, an energetic promoter for economic and social cooperation anddevelopment, and an active builder for international order and rule of law.


Thanks for your attention.

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重点单词   查看全部解释    
coherent [kəu'hiərənt]


adj. 合理的,一贯的,明了的,粘着的,相干的

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

stability [stə'biliti]


n. 稳定性,居于修道院

extend [iks'tend]


v. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展

deliberately [di'libəritli]


adv. 慎重地,故意地

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

framework ['freimwə:k]


n. 结构,框架,参照标准,体系

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

cooperative [kəu'ɔpərətiv]


adj. 合作的,共同的
n. 合作社

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与





