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IMF副总裁妮玛特·沙菲克在牛津关于"智能治理"的演讲 中英对照

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Soft versus hard governance


A parallel argument can be made for governance. “Hard” governance arrangements require the establishment of legal obligations and independent institutions through treaties. The UN, IMF, World Bank and the WTO typify such arrangements.


On the positive side, this kind of hard, treaty-based architecture strengthens the credibility of member countries’ commitments and grants legal enforcement powers to institutions. However, their establishment and adaptation to changing circumstances tends to be a relatively slow-moving process, which can be a problem when the global environment or the needs of members change.


“Soft” governance arrangements, such as the G20 and BRIC country groupings, the FSB, or the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) have no international legal personality or obligations. As a result, they tend to be more flexible and can often be put in place more quickly. They do not, however, have treaty-based mandates or legal enforcement powers. As a result, they have a more limited ability to enforce commitments, which can pose challenges for their relevance and effectiveness over time.

“软的”治理安排,如20国集团和金砖四国集团、FSB或金融行动特别工作组(FATF )不具备国际法律地位或义务。因此,它们往往更灵活,通常可以更快地建立。但是,它们没有基于条约的授权或执法权力。结果,它们强制执行承诺的能力更有限,随着时间推移,这会给其相关性和有效性带来挑战。

Finally, there are, of course, also private sector solutions to governance challenges. One example are Collective Action Clauses (CACs) which allow a supermajority of bondholders to agree to changes in bond payments terms, with the intention of facilitating smoother debt restructuring. Another example is IFRS, an independent nonprofit foundation that promotes the harmonization of global accounting standards.


A mosaic of solutions


In sum, the global economic governance structure of the future may well be a mosaic—or ecosystem—of “hard” and “soft” elements that operate in a complementary fashion. In such a system, governance arrangements would essentially be issues- and context-driven, with choices between hard and soft governance arrangements depending on what is the most efficient and practical solution to regulate and oversee a specific matter at hand. Making such a system “smart” depends crucially on using hard or soft governance at the right time and for the right issues.


Let’s consider three examples of how hard and soft governance have been combined:


First, take trade. We all prefer multilateral trade agreements over regional ones. Since the gains from trade are well recognized, the WTO dispute resolution process has real “teeth” with an ability to impose sanctions on those who violate global trade rules. Increasingly mega-regional agreements (like US-EU or TPP) are less about tariffs but about standards and non-tariff barriers. To the extent that they help set global norms that facilitate trade, they bring us closer to more global solutions and potentially reinforce (and in the future possibly become integrated with) the WTO framework.


Second, consider the balance between hard and soft governance in the euro area crisis. Arguably the hard governance came from the IMF and the ECB and soft governance from the Eurogroup. Europe’s complex governance arrangements worked well in peace time, but decision making processes were not well suited to managing crisis.


Finally consider the areas of financial regulation. As part of its mandatory Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), the IMF conducts financial stability assessments every 5 years of jurisdictions that have systemically important financial sectors. Mandatory FSAPs are a good example of hard surveillance where countries are assessed against compliance with clear global standards and stress tested against national and international spillovers. Every two years after an FSAP, the FSB does a peer review (a sort of soft governance) of follow up on FSAP recommendations as a complementary way to advance key reforms for financial stability.

最后,考虑金融监管的范畴。作为强制性金融部门评估规划(FSAP )的一部分,基金组织每5年对具有系统重要性的金融部门的管辖区进行评估。强制性金融部门评估规划是硬监督的一个很好的例子,该规划对有关成员国遵守明确国际标准的情况进行评估,并根据国内和国际溢出效应进行压力测试。金融部门评估规划之后每两年,FSB进行同行检查(是一种软治理),跟踪成员国采纳金融部门评估规划所提重大改革建议的情况,这些建议是推进重点改革的一种补充。

However, a flexible and efficient global governance structure may not emerge automatically. For example, when “hard” global institutions, such as the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO adapt too slowly to changes in their environment, governance gaps will open up. “Softer” institutions may step in to fill these gaps, but as substitutes rather than playing a complementary role. This would not be efficient and could leave us with a weaker global governance system.

然而,灵活和高效的全球治理结构不会自动出现。例如,当“硬的”全球性机构,如基金组织、世界银行和世界贸易组织适应变化环境的速度太慢,就会出现治理空白。 “软”机构可能介入,填补空白,作为替代,而不是发挥补充作用。这不会是有效的,而且可能留给我们的是一个更弱的全球治理体系。

The case for IMF governance reform


This brings me to a final point. In the evolving ecosystem of global governance and policy coordination that I described, it is essential for the elements of “hard” governance to stay relevant by adapting to changes in the world economy.


Over the years, the IMF has demonstrated a remarkable ability to adjust its work and operations in response to major changes in the global economy, including the fall of the fixed exchange rate system in the early 1970s, the debt crisis of the 1980s, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


The key reason why the IMF has remained relevant has been a political governance structure that, albeit slowly, does adapt to changes in the world economy. It also has an independent staff, and a constitution (in the form of our Articles of Agreement) that allows the Fund to adopt a longer-term perspective. Moreover, the IMF has, in some aspects, also managed to internally integrate hard elements of governance such as mandatory surveillance, with softer elements, such as voluntary Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes or facilitation of standards for sovereign wealth funds. On the “softer” side, the Fund’s consensus-based decision-making has been effective at ensuring that member countries’ points of view are being heard.


Going forward, it will be crucial for the IMF’s effectiveness and legitimacy to ensure that its governance structure reflects the relative position of its member countries in the global economy. Approval of the 2010 reforms would be an important step in this direction, although further shifts in quota and voting shares to dynamic economies will also be needed.


To achieve this, some countries will have to accept relative declines in their quota and voting shares. Understandably, for them this will not be an easy decision, but in return they will help ensure that the Fund can continue to remain strong and legitimate for the benefit of the entire membership—and the global economy.




While significant efforts to improve global economic governance were made in the initial phase of the crisis, the momentum of reform and policy coordination has slowed recently.


Indeed, while the current system is able to deliver governance and policy coordination when there is a lot to lose—such as in a crisis, it is much less effective in galvanizing action when there is potential for mutual gain—such as global economic rebalancing.


One possible explanation is that the global community tends to rally in a time of crisis when the time horizon is short and immediate costs are high. However, in normal times, gathering momentum for action today may be hard because the cost of inaction lies far in the future.


Some observers point toward plurilateralism and the rise of soft global governance as a threat to the traditional pillars of hard global governance, including the IMF. I am much less pessimistic. I see these two forms of governance as potential complements rather than imperfect substitutes. Soft governance works when innovation is needed but there is time to act, when getting a subset of countries to act is sufficient and ad hoc implementation can work. Hard governance is needed in a crisis or when global approaches are needed and when consistent enforcement is key.


So, coming back full circle to Martin Wolf’s call for extraordinary creativity in seeking solutions to the multitude of challenges faced by the world today, I believe we can tackle the issues by being smart about the governance we need, and by making the most of political opportunity when it presents itself. By integrating “soft” and “hard” governance more intelligently, better outcomes can be achieved for everyone, small and large countries alike.1

回到Martin Wolf呼吁寻求非凡的创造力,以解决当今世界面临的众多挑战问题,我认为,我们可以通过采用智能治理办法,充分利用所有的政治机会来解决这些问题。通过更好地结合“软”和“硬”治理,每个国家,无论大小,都可以取得更好的结果。


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重点单词   查看全部解释    
quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

fiscal ['fiskəl]


adj. 财政的,国库的

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

typify ['tipifai]


vt. 是 ... 的典型,代表

unconventional ['ʌnkən'venʃənəl]


adj. 非传统的

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

adapt [ə'dæpt]


vt. 使适应,改编
vi. 适应,适合






