以人为本 put people first
与时俱进 advance with times
再就业下岗人员 re-employment of laid-off workers
增收节支 increase revenue and cut government expenditures
征地拆迁 land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation
政府促进就业的责任 responsibility of the government for stimulating employment
政府工作报告 report on the work of the government
政府机构改革 reform of government institutions
政企分开 separate functions of the government form those of enterprises
政务透明 administrative transparency
政治体制改革 political restructuring
执行力和公信力 executive ability and greater public trust
中共中央委员会 CPC Central Committee
中国共产党全国代表大会 the National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)
中华民族的无疆大爱 boundless love of the Chinese nation
cross-border takeover 跨国并购
currency depreciation/appreciation 通货贬值/升值
current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表
current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失
current debt ratio 流动负债比率
current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率
current liability 流动负债
current tangible assets 有形流动资产
domestic funds 国内配套资金
earning capacity 盈利能力
E-Commerce/E-business 电子商务
economic aggregate 经济总量
economic efficiency 经济效益
economic growth point 经济增长点
economic indicators 经济指标
世界卫生组织WHO (World Health Organization)
世界和平理事会WPC (World Peace Council)
国际货币基金组织IMF (International Monetary Fund)
国际奥林匹克委员会IOC (International Olympic Committee)
国际原子能机构IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
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