战略发展空间 strategic space for development
有针对性的工作方案 well-targeted plans
压缩"三公"经费 cutting spending on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips
高消耗高污染行业 highly-polluting enterprises with high energy consumption
产能过剩行业 industries with excess capacity
社会公共需要 social needs
社会监管 social supervision
社会主义法治国家 social country under the rule of law
社会主义制度的无比优越 incomparable superiority of the socialist
失职渎职 dereliction of duty;neglect of one's duties
食品药品质量监管 oversight and supervision of food and drug quality
试点项目 pilot project
司法公正 judicial justice
体制创新 institutional innovation
突发公共安全事件应急处理机制 mechanisms for responding to emergencies that threaten public safety
transparency and accountability 透明度和问责制
unconditional release 无条件释放
U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 美中战略与经济对话
vote of non-confidence 不信任票
vote abstention 弃权票
vox pop 民众之声,公众舆论
walk the plank 被迫辞职
war game 军事演习
accumulated earnings 积累收益
a circular economy 循环经济
a convenient method of payment 方便的付款方式
an economic boom 经济兴旺
an economic depression(slump, recession)经济萎缩
经济合作和发展组织OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
订金CBD(Cash Before Delivery )
全美篮球协会NBA(National Basketball Association)
国际劳工组织ILO(International Labor Organization)
中国民航CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China)