我们的节目已经开了10期,大家是否有坚持下来呢?每天的背诵的单词虽然不多,不过日积月累后,你会发现你的词汇量有明显的上升哦~缩略语是每个开设MTI专业的院校必考的一项,也着实让考生们头疼不已 。每天我们只需要看几个缩略语,重在积累!
按劳分配为主体 distribution according to work remains dominant
保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission
标本兼治 address both the symptoms and the root causes of the problem
跟风 go with the trend
世界遗产名录 the World Heritage List
博采众长 draw on others' successful experience
长治久安 long-term stability
常务委员 member of a standing committee
城镇登记失业率 registered unemployment rate in cities and towns
城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system
城镇住房制度改革 reform of the urban housing system
创新体系 an innovation system
垂直管理 vertical management
促进社会和谐稳定 promote social harmony and stability
打击取缔非法收入 crack down on and ban illegal income
邓小平理论 Deng XiaoPing Theory
personal remark/comment 人身攻击
hard money/soft money 硬钱/软钱
have a positive,constructive and comprehensive relationship 有着积极、建设性、全面的关系
Homeland Security Department 国土安全部(美国)
Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片
inauguration address 就职演说
intelligence officers 情报人员
intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹
interior administration 内政
interior minister 内政部长
landlocked country 内陆国家
law enforcement personnel 执法人员
lethal arms 致命武器
matching funds 对等资金
military expansion 军备扩张
model of government 政府模式
money-oriented politics 金钱政治
中国人民银行PBOC(People's Bank of China)
自由贸易协定FTA(Free Trade Agreement)
经济技术开发区ETDZ(Economic And Technological Development Zone)
机器翻译MT(machine translation)
高清电视HDTV(High-Definition Television)
更多精品翻译学习节目,尽在可可英语 。