利益交融,休戚与共 be interconnected with interests intertwined
联合国的权威 UN’s authority
贸易壁垒 trade barriers
贸易摩擦时有发生 frequent trade frictions
弥合分歧 narrow differences
南北差距 the North-South gap
贫富差距 wealth gap
启动项目 kick-off project
情报交流 intelligence sharing
求和平、谋发展、促合作 the pursuit of peace, development and cooperation
求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences
全球多边贸易体制 the world’s multilateral trading system
全球经济的复苏和增长 global economic recovery and growth
全球经济失衡 global economic imbalance
热点问题 hotspot issues
人权理事会 the Human Rights Council
人与自然和谐发展 a harmonious coexistence between man and nature
日新月异 advance by leaps and bounds
日益凸显 loom large
三股势力 three forces
提出新思路,探索新途径 come up with new ideas and new initiatives
突发事件应急机制 the mechanism for dealing with contingencies
推动相互开放市场 step up mutual opening of markets
威胁着全球和地区的安全稳定 pose threats to the security and stability of regions and the world as a whole
喜忧并兼 be both comforting and worrying
以互信、互利、平等、协作为核心的新安全观 a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation
应对各种威胁和挑战的核心机制 the core mechanism for responding to threats and challenges
与邻为善、以邻为伴的外交方针 foreign policy objective of building amicable relations and partnerships with neighboring countries
整合资源,优势互补 integrate resources in a larger context achieve complementarity of strength
政策协调于统一 policy coordination and consistency
执政兴邦 govern and build up one's countries
周期性和结构性问题 cyclical and structural factors
抓紧机遇,迎接挑战 seize the opportunities and rise up to the challenges