安全合作模式 model of security cooperation
保持良好势头 maintain a sound momentum
保护主义抬头 rising protectionism
边境管控 border management and control
不附带政治因素和苛刻条件 without any political strings or other unreasonable and rigid conditions attached
不稳定不确定因素 destabilizing factors and uncertainties
采取灵活务实的态度 take a flexible and pragmatic approach
《长期睦邻友好合作条约》 the Treaty on Long-term Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation
城乡协调发展 a coordinated development of cities and rural areas
促进经济社会协调发展 strike a balance between economic and social development
当今时代的主题 the dominant themes of our times
地球村 global village
东亚峰会 East Asia Summit
动辄威胁或使用武力 resort at will to the use or threat of force
多边科技合作 multilateral science and technology cooperation
多极化 multi-polarity
多极化进程 the trend towards a multi-polar world