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来源:口译网 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

China will continue to develop education as a priority, bring about all-round human development, and promote economic development on the basis of improving the quality of human capital.For a major developing country like China, boosting education and improving quality of human resources will drive economic development and make it more competitive. We will act quickly to achieve economic growth by increasing the quality of human capital rather than by just using more workers. This will enable us to catch up with the progress in technology and change the model of growth, and it holds the key for us to adapt to demographic changes and achieve sustainable development. We will fully implement the outline of the national medium- and long-term plan for education and promote balanced development of education at different levels and of various types. We will ensure equitable education for all, promote well-rounded development of people, train innovation-oriented talents, and advance education in a scientific manner. And we will move faster to make China not only a big country but also a strong country in both education and human resources. This will provide strong intellectual impetus for sustaining China's economic development.

- China will continue to build an innovation-driven society, speed up the development of an innovation system, and enhance the role of science and technology in driving economic and social development. R&D is crucial in guiding our efforts to accelerate the change of growth model. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will give greater priority to R&D, deepen reform of science and technology institutions, and address the root causes of R&D not fully meeting the need of economic development. We will increase input in science and technology and raise the share of budget for R&D in GDP from 1.75% to 2.2%. We will follow closely the latest progress in overseas frontier technologies, strengthen basic research and the research of high technologies of strategic importance, and pool resources to make breakthroughs in developing core technologies. We will enhance capacity to create, utilize, protect and manage intellectual property rights and bring into play the creativity of the whole society. We will accelerate the upgrading of traditional industries by using new technologies, new materials, new techniques and new equipment. We will vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, with a focus at this stage on industries related to energy conservation, environmental protection, new-generation information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy vehicles. Our goal is to develop new pillar industries so as to gain initiative for development in the new scientific revolution and industrial revolution.

- China will continue to save resources and protect the environment, follow the path of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, use resources in a more efficient way, and develop stronger capacity for tackling climate change. To conserve resources and protect the environment is crucial to achieving sustainable development, and this is one of China's basic state policies. We will speed up the building of an industrial structure, a mode of production and a model of consumption that are conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection, and promote harmony between man and nature. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, we will raise the share of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption to 11.4%, reduce energy consumption and C02 emission per unit of GDP by 16% and 17% respectively, and cut total discharge of major pollutants by 8%-10%. We will improve laws, regulations and standards, strengthen performance-based accountability, overhaul the pricing mechanism for energy and resources and increase fiscal, taxation, financial and other policy incentives. We will promote circular economy, develop low-carbon industrial, construction and transportation systems, promote energy, water, land and material conservation and integrated resource utilization, preserve and repair the eco-system, increase forest carbon sink, and build stronger capacity for tackling climate change.

- China will continue to put people's interests first, pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's well-being and pursue common prosperity. Everything we do is to enable all the people to have better lives, and this is the criterion to measure the performance of all of our work. Our goal is to bring the benefit of development to all, ensure and improve people's well-being, and advance social progress in all respects. We will give priority to job creation in promoting economic and social development and create equitable job opportunities for all. We will adjust income distribution, ensure that personal income grows in step with economic growth and that labor remuneration grows in step with increase of productivity. We will gradually raise the share of personal income in national income distribution and the share of labor remuneration in primary distribution. We expect that per capita urban disposable income and per capita rural net income will both grow by more than 7% annually. We will put in place systems providing basic old-age care and basic medical and health care for the whole urban and rural population, and extend the coverage of government-subsidized housing to 20% of the urban population.

- China will continue to deepen reform and opening-up and resolutely remove institutional hurdles to increase the momentum of pursuing sustainable development. China owes its rapid development in the past 30 years and more to reform and opening-up, and this will be equally true for its future development and progress. We will continue to advance both economic and political structural reform to create strong impetus for economic and social development. We will uphold and improve the basic economic system, speed up fiscal, taxation and financial reform, reform of prices of factors of production, reform of monopoly sectors and other important fields, and strive to make major progress in these reforms. We will exercise governance pursuant to law and address the institutional causes for over-concentration of power and lack of checks on it. We will protect people's democratic rights and their lawful rights and interests so as to uphold fairness and justice.

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pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

modernization [.mɔdənai'zeiʃən]


n. 现代化

accelerate [æk'seləreit]


vt. 加速,提前,跳级
vi. 加速

taxation [tæk'seiʃən]


n. 课税,征税,税金

preserve [pri'zə:v]


v. 保存,保留,维护
n. 蜜饯,禁猎区

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

overhaul [.əuvə'hɔ:l]


vt. 仔细检查,翻修,赶上 n. 彻底检查,全面检修




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