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来源:口译网 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Millions of jobs are sustained in China and the United States by the trade we do with one another. American consumers benefit from the goods made in China and daily the Chinese people rely on high quality U.S. products and services. And, as our companies make investments in each other’s countries, we are creating jobs for our peoples. Every year, the comprehensive Strategic and Economic Dialogue brings together policymakers from across both governments to discuss topics ranging from breaking down trade barriers to economic cooperation to collaborating on pressing regional and global issues. To meet the challenge of global climate change, the U.S. and China can build on a legacy of over 30 years of cooperation on Science and Technology issues.

Similarly, the United States and China share an interest in maintaining peace and prosperity around the world. Our defense ties extend back to World War II, when our soldiers fought and sacrificed together. Today, our defense interactions take place at the most senior levels, with the PLA Chief of the General Staff and the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff working to improve lines of communication and strengthen the U.S.-China military to military relationship. Perhaps our greatest security challenge is the existential threat posed by the proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials, in particular from North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. China has been a vital partner as chair of the Six-Party Talks, with a unique role because of its historic relationship with, and influence on, North Korea. The United States and China share the common goals of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and North Korea’s complete and verifiable denuclearization in a peaceful manner. Our countries must also continue to work together to address the Iranian nuclear program. We have coordinated an effective dual-track approach — leveraging international diplomacy and sanctions — with the other Permanent UN Security Council members as well as Germany to send a clear message from the international community to the Iranian regime that it must live up to its international obligations. And the examples of shared security interests go on: from Afghanistan to Sudan.

We may not always initially agree on exactly how best to achieve our shared objectives. But when we successfully work together we often find mutually beneficial outcomes that serve the interests of all parties. Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization. I recently visited the Diaoyutai guest house where four wood panels illustrate the Chinese contributions that defined the world for centuries: the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and the printing press. And in the United States, we take great pride in our contributions — such as the light bulb, the television, the personal computer, and the Internet, which has changed all of our lives so profoundly. From the flash of gunpowder to the light of electricity, from the printed page to a webpage, from navigating the waters of the globe to navigating the Internet, our two nations have contributed so much to the world of today.
我们也许不是总能够在一开始就对如何最好达到我们的共同目标取得完全一致,但当我们成功地一起努力时 ,我们经常能够取得满足各方利益的互利的结果。畅想一下我们两国对文明所作出的贡献。最近我访问了钓鱼台国宾馆,那里有四幅木板画,展现中国对世界数百年发展所作的贡献:指南针、火药、造纸和印刷术。在美国,我们为我们的贡献而倍感自豪——如电灯,电视,个人电脑,以及如此深刻地改变了我们生活方方面面的互联网。从火药引爆的闪光到电力带来的灯光,从印刷纸页到网页,从漫游世界水域到漫游互联网,我们两个国家对今天的世界贡献良多。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
strengthen ['streŋθən]


v. 加强,变坚固

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

missile ['misail]


n. 导弹,投射物

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

associate [ə'səuʃieit]


n. 同伴,伙伴,合伙人
n. 准学士学位获得

decade ['dekeid]


n. 十年

comprehensive [.kɔmpri'hensiv]


adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

peninsula [pi'ninsjulə]


n. 半岛




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