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On the South China Sea

There are disputes concerning the sovereignty over some islands and reefs and the delimitation of certain waters in the South China Sea. This is a reality. These disputes should be peacefully resolved through friendly consultations between the parties to the disputes. This is in keeping with the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and the basic consensus of the relevant parties. As a matter of fact, the channels of dialogue and consultation between the relevant parties are open and smooth. Recently, China has had in-depth communication with relevant countries. We all agreed to make joint efforts to uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea and prevent the disputes from affecting the growth of bilateral relations.

In recent years, China and ASEAN countries have made vigorous efforts to implement the DOC. At the China-ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting the day before yesterday, all parties unanimously adopted the Guidelines for the Implementation of the DOC. This outcome demonstrates the resolve, confidence and capability of China and ASEAN countries to jointly promote peace and stability in the South China Sea by implementing the DOC. At the meeting, China put forward a series of initiatives to promote practical cooperation under the DOC framework. These initiatives include holding a seminar on navigation freedom in the South China Sea and establishing three technical committees on marine scientific research and environmental protection and on other activities. China also reaffirmed its readiness to undertake the three cooperation projects already agreed upon by all parties. This once again shows China's commitment to and sincerity about the implementation of the DOC. China is open to discussing the formulation of a code of conduct of the parties in the South China Sea (COC) when conditions are ripe. But the pressing task at present is to start practical cooperation in the South China Sea.

Here I wish to underscore the need to properly handle disputes, reduce differences, enhance mutual trust, expand cooperation and safeguard peace and stability. It serves the interests of all countries in this region and should become our common goal.

Freedom of navigation was raised at today's meeting. History shows that over the past decades, the economy of the region has come a long way and played an increasingly important role in driving world economic growth. This would not have been possible without freedom of navigation and safety in the South China Sea. Navigation in the South China Sea is free and the international shipping lanes are safe. It is fair to say that countries in and outside the region all benefit from freedom of navigation and safety in the South China Sea. The disputes over some islands and reefs and maritime delimitation of the South China Sea are one issue. Freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is a separate issue. These two issues should not be mixed up. We believe that what really needs to be done is to bring into full play the potential benefits brought about by the freedom of navigation. Countries in the region should enhance connectivity and increase trade. Countries outside the region, particularly the developed economies, should make full use of the convenience brought about by freedom of navigation in the South China Sea to step up mutually beneficial cooperation with countries inside the region and support the progress and prosperity of the developing countries in the region.

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outcome ['autkʌm]


n. 结果,后果

civilian [si'viljən]


adj. 平民的
n. 罗马法专家,平民

transition [træn'ziʃən]


n. 过渡,转变

convenience [kən'vi:njəns]


n. 适宜,便利,便利设施,方便的时间,舒适

sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

dynamic [dai'næmik]


adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的
n. 动力

achieve [ə'tʃi:v]


v. 完成,达到,实现

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

underscore ['ʌndə'skɔ:]


vt. 划线于,强调,提供伴奏乐 n. 下划线,影片伴奏

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界






