China's development is a blessing, not a catastrophe to the world. It means opportunities, not threats. It is not to be worried about, still less feared. As Franklin Roosevelt put it, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".
Faculty members and students,
800多年来,剑桥大学秉承“此地乃启蒙之所和智慧之源”(拉丁语:Hinc lucem et pocula sacra)的校训,努力探索世界,不断追求真理。半个多世纪前,李约瑟博士以其睿智打开了中国古代科技的历史宝库,重拾了伟大的中华文明。今天,当你们放眼中国,你们会发现中国正在走一条前人没有走过的道路,中国的实践可能超出了以往人们的知识积累。面对今天的中国这一丰富的宝藏,我衷心地期望剑桥大学的学子们遵循你们的校训,不断探索,大力挖掘,成为英国乃至世界范围内研究当代中国的领军者。
Over the past 8 centuries, the University of Cambridge has stayed true to its motto "From here, light and sacred draughts" (Hinc lucem et pocula sacra) in its tireless pursuit of the world's truth and knowledge. More than half a century ago, Dr Joseph Needham uncovered the treasures of China's ancient science and civilisation. Today when you look at China, you will realise that it is embarking on a journey no country has ever made. This goes beyond the knowledge of human beings and offers enormous opportunities. I therefore encourage you to follow Cambridge's motto to renew your efforts in tapping the rich resources China has to offer and lead the UK and the world in studying and understanding today's China.
Thank you and now I would like to take questions from you.