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Furthermore, young people could contribute to cultural innovation and common progress of human civilization. Home to ancient civilizations, China and Europe are able to provide their youth with some of the finest ancient oriental and western cultural heritage. We expect young people to have an open heart for all different cultures, home and foreign, traditional and modern. We believe that with your capacity to learn and willingness to communicate, you will be able to combine the merits of all cultures for innovation, and build a new bridge of inter-civilization dialogue between China and Europe. Our hope is on you to promote a world where all civilizations could achieve common progress, and your efforts to deliver this goal will undoubtedly consolidate the popular support for future China-EU ties.


Last but not the least, young people are uniquely capable of going beyond difference for friendship. Internet has made our world a global village, giving us all kinds of choices to stay connected. Such favorable conditions put you in a better position to respect, understand, and appreciate the people on the other side. I always picture young people as "lubricant" who could learn from others and approach their difference with an open mind and an inclusive heart, in politics, business, culture, and all other sectors of our society. But of course, this will require that we break off from the old ways of thinking and abandon bias and stereotype. With you as envoys of lifelong friendship across generations, I'm confident that all of the differences and misgivings between us will be finally replaced by trust and agreements, and China-EU relations will definitely stand the test of all times.


Dear Young Friends,


As we head into the second decade of the 21st century, we are also stepping into a world of major changes and adjustments. Peace, development and cooperation have become an irresistible trend of times. Multipolarization, interdependence, science and technology revolution, and global and regional cooperation are the prime imprints of our age. Our future belongs to the younger generation, but it also defines them. What will happen in the next ten years carries great significance both on you and on China-EU relations. The prospect of China-EU ties bears immense opportunities for growth. As youth representatives, you have all reasons to live up to the expectation and fully realize the potential of China-EU friendship and cooperation. For the future, I expect greater success in the people-to-people exchange between China and Europe. And today, for all of you, this China-EU Year of Youth event is a golden opportunity to start your own contribution to our comprehensive strategic partnership.


To conclude, I wish the friendship tree between the Chinese and European young people be evergreen, and I wish the China-EU Year of Youth a crowning success!


Thank you!





