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来源:口译网 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


CRI: China attaches great importance to public diplomacy, particularly in recent years. May I ask you, Mr Ambassador, what plan do you have in this respect?

陈大使:驻外使领馆开展公共外交, 一是向驻在国各界及时清晰地介绍中国的政策和举措,使对方准确了解、进而正确理解。二是多交朋友,为想了解中国的人,提供信息;为想与中国合作的人,给予帮助;凡对华友好者,敞开双臂,欢迎感谢;凡对华存有误解者,敞开心扉,坦诚交流。总之,朋友越多越好,关注理解中国和平发展的人越多越好,支持投身中澳交往合作的人越多越好。

Ambassador: Public diplomacy is an integral part of the work of the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions abroad. It has two purposes to serve: First, to introduce to host countries China's policies and measures in a timely and clear-cut manner, so they can get to know and get correct understanding of them. Second, to make more friends, supply information to those wishing to know more about our country, help those ready to have cooperation with us, welcome with open arms all friends of China, and engage in heart-to-heart dialogue with those with misunderstanding of China. In a word, the more friends we make, the better; the more people could understand China's path of peaceful development, the better; and the more people support and work for China-Australia exchanges and cooperation, the better.


China's public diplomacy, in the words of the Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, "meets the calls of the times and has a lot to accomplish". This also applies to our public diplomacy in Australia.


China-Australia relationship has entered a new phase of development, as marked by close exchanges, extensive practical cooperation and deepening friendship. To grow relations with China has become the bipartisan consensus and the common understanding of people of sectors in Australia. China reports can be found in Australian newspapers every day. And each year over 600,000 Australians visit China to learn about the country first-hand. The diverse forms of exchanges and growing number of cooperation projects have cut short our geographical distance and brought us closer. As the Chinese Southern Airlines' slogon puts it, "Australia is not really far away". Our peoples have warm feelings for each other. I knew from my work in the Foreign Ministry in Beijing that the enthusiasm for increasing bilateral contacts is on both sides and our relationship is growing from strength to strength.


To further our relations, we need to step up people-to-people and cultural exchanges. As far as the my Embassy is concerned, we will think out of the box and do more things to promote our exchanges in education, culture and tourism in all forms and at all levels. With 80 pairs of our cities twinned, we are well positioned to bring into full play local governments' enthusiasm for cooperation to enhance our practical cooperation and boost the all-round development of bilateral relations.


What is worth noting in particular is the "Year of Chinese Culture" in Australia (YCCiA) to be held next year. I am confident that it will be a year of friendship and exchanges and a year to appreciate each other's culture. Starting with the "China Day" to be hosted by the Chinese Embassy during the Chinese New Year, and featuring an array of cultural events, such as art performances, exhibitions, tourism promotions, sister-city and academic exchanges and Chinese language learning programs, the YCCiA will present a cultural feast to the public and add a splendid chapter to China's public diplomacy.


All the media are most welcome to cover this special event, and make the "Year of Chinese Culture" more appealing, influential and attractive.


China News Agency: What do you have to say about your work in relation to the Chinese communities, consular protection and Chinese students in Australia?


Ambassador: I am visiting Sydney and Brisbane this weekend to attend welcoming dinners to be hosted by the local Chinese communities. It is so kind of them, and I look forward to making their acquaintence. I have heard a lot about the lengths the Chinese communities in Australia have gone in supporting China's national reunification and development and in advancing Sino-Australian relations. Their attachment to the homeland is admirable. I was told that they are endeavoring to build harmonious communities. I'd love to visit them at an early time. Shortly after my arrival in Australia, Mme Li Haifeng, Minister of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, came to Australia for a visit. I had the chance to talk to her, and sought her opinions about our work for the overseas Chinese in Australia. Like my predecessors, I will do my best to serve the Chinese communities here, listening to their voices, tending to their needs and bringing to them care and support, and work together with them to promote greater development of China-Australia relations.

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重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

negotiation [ni.gəuʃi'eiʃən]


n. 谈判,协商

scope [skəup]


n. 能力,范围,眼界,机会,余地
vt. 仔

appealing [ə'pi:liŋ]


adj. 引起兴趣的,动人的

uncommon [ʌn'kɔmən]


adj. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的

extensive [iks'tensiv]


adj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik]


adj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

deepen ['di:pən]


vt. 使 ... 加深,使 ... 强烈 vi. 加深




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