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来源:口译网 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Tension has once again risen on the Korean Peninsula, and China is highly concerned about the current situation. As a big responsible country, China decides its position based on the merits of each case and does not seek to protect any side. China is of the view that the most pressing task now is to prevent any escalation of the tension, and nothing should be done to inflame the situation. The parties concerned should keep calm and exercise restraint, and work to bring the situation back onto the track of dialogue and negotiation. As you have noticed, since the exchange of fire between the DPRK and the ROK, the Chinese side has made a series of efforts to prevent the situation from escalating and worsening. We have stayed in close communication and coordination with relevant parties and urged various parties to maintain calm and restraint by all means, address the issues through dialogue and consultation and jointly safeguard peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. We have proposed to hold emergency consultations among the heads of delegation to the Six-Party Talks in Beijing in early December in the hope that the consultations will help ease the current tension and create conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks. We will make continued efforts to encourage all parties to work together to maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.

Fourth, respect for diversity is the premise. Diversity and complexity are a distinctive feature of the Asia Pacific. Countries in this region have diverse political and economic systems, histories, cultures and social development models, which have grown side by side over the long years of history. Diversity is a source of the unique strength and enduring vitality for the Asia Pacific. We need to uphold this tradition, carry forward the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, seeking common ground while reserving differences, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, and strengthen mutual learning and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, so as to build the Asia Pacific into a community in which diverse nations and cultures live in peace and friendship.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The year 2011 will be the first year of the second decade of this century. It will be a year for us to build on past achievements and strive for new progress. For the Asia Pacific and the world, 2011 will be an important year to promote economic recovery and development, transform development patterns in the post-crisis era, and deepen the reform of the international system to meet global challenges. For China, it will be the first year of the 12th Five-Year Plan period. We will enter a critical era in our endeavor to deepen reform and opening up and accelerate the transformation of the economic development pattern. China, the Asia Pacific and the world as a whole share the same goals and intertwined interests. China is willing to work with other Asia-Pacific countries to enhance cooperation, meet the challenges and promote world peace and development together. To this end, I believe we should make concerted efforts in the following areas:





