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来源:口译网 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Reviewing the past ten years, we can see that the development in the Asia Pacific has not always been smooth and even. Being a vast region, the Asia Pacific is home to countries with different national conditions, social systems and development stages. There are complex hotspot issues and intertwined traditional and non-traditional security issues. And there are many challenges in the endeavor to deepen mutual understanding and trust and uphold enduring peace and common development. However, Asia-Pacific countries, which focus on the long-term interests and the larger interests, can always manage to turn crisis into opportunity, and make even greater progress. From the region's development over the past ten years, we can draw the following important conclusions.

First, cooperation is the basis. The rapid development of globalization and information technologies has made our world a Global Village, where the interests of countries are interconnected. As important members of this Global Village, Asia-Pacific countries face the common mission of safeguarding peace and stability, the common task of growing the economy and eradicating poverty and the common challenge of managing different problems and transforming development patterns. The major changes in our region and the world require us to free our mind and change our thinking in a big way. We must abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological stereotypes. We must foster a new vision of unity and cooperation for mutual benefit. If the 20th century was a century defined by incessant hot and cold wars and confrontation between the two blocs, the 21st century should be one defined by peace, cooperation and win-win outcomes.

Second, development is the key. The Asia Pacific as a whole enjoys sound development, and faces new and rare opportunities. But there are also many destabilizing factors and uncertainties threatening its sustainable development. Terrorism remains a menace. Non-traditional security issues such as economic security, energy and resources security, food security, climate change, disaster prevention and relief have become more pronounced. Most of them are issues that have occurred in the course of our progress and can only be addressed through common development. For those issues that cannot be resolved for the time being, we need to have enough patience and prevent the complication of problems so that they will not harm the overall development and the long-term common interests of this region. As long as we make a bigger pie of our shared interests and enable people of all our countries to benefit from the dividend of development, we will be able to meet various challenges effectively and achieve even better and faster development.

Third, a new security concept is the guarantee. International security threats to today's world are more complex and diversified. Security issues are increasingly interrelated, affecting more areas than before. No one can singlehandedly resolve regional security issues. Cooperation is the only way to ensure security. We must foster a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. We need to respect the security of our own countries and also the security of others, and promote common security. We need to address disputes through dialogue and consultations. Territorial and maritime disputes between states should be peacefully resolved between the parties directly involved through bilateral negotiations. We are convinced that based on the consensus already reached and through the open channels of dialogue, the parties will be able to properly address their own issues with their own efforts. All countries should play a constructive role and refrain from creating new trouble and tension or complicating the matters. And all countries should act in a way that contributes to regional stability, mutual trust and unity.





