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Asia's growth momentum has never been stronger.

In the past ten years, Asia, an important part of the Asia-Pacific region, has achieved fast growth. It has become one of the fastest growing and most dynamic regions and played a bigger role in powering world economic growth. During the two financial crises, Asian countries united as one for greater strength. Relying mainly on their own efforts, they have not only maintained economic stability, but also laid a more solid foundation for future development. Asian countries have learned one valuable thing from tackling the crises: we need to explore development paths suited to ourselves and enhance domestic sources of economic growth in light of our own national circumstances. At the same time, Asia has adopted an open approach. It has actively expanded practical cooperation with Europe, Africa, North America and Latin America and speeded up the building of free trade areas. As a result, it has achieved fresh progress and leapfrog development.

对于亚洲的发展,我想用三个“50%”来说明:一是亚洲整体经济实力明显增强。19世纪,亚洲GDP曾占全球的一半,此后一度衰落。20世纪以来,亚洲国家励精图治、奋起直追,重返经济发展的快车道。2009年亚洲国家经济总量已占世界的近1/3 ,据一些国际权威经济组织预测,到本世纪中叶,亚洲将重新占据世界经济的50%。二是东亚经济一体化进程不断加快。早在五年前,东亚区内贸易总额就已接近3万亿美元,占其外贸总额的比重超过50%。东亚区域合作更是取得长足进展,东盟、10+1、10+3、中日韩、东亚峰会等各种机制日益完善,形成了优势互补、协调并进的良好局面。三是亚洲国家人文科技等领域潜力巨大,软实力不断增强,为亚洲可持续发展提供了有力支撑。据联合国教科文组织最新公布的数字,亚洲科研人员数量在全球所占比例已由2002年的35.7%增加到2007年的41.4%,这一数字很可能在未来数年里提高到50%。一个生机勃勃、和平发展的亚洲日益呈现在世人面前。
I wish to illustrate Asia's development with three "fifty-percents". First, Asia's overall economic strength has grown remarkably. Asia's GDP accounted for 50% of the world's total in the 19th century and had since gone downhill. Starting from the 20th century, Asian countries have made unyielding efforts to catch up and return to the fast track of economic development. In 2009, Asia's overall economy accounted for nearly one third of the world economy. Some authoritative international economic organizations have made the forecast that by the middle of this century, Asia will once again take up 50% of the world economy. Second, economic integration of East Asia is moving faster. Five years ago, intra-regional trade in East Asia already totaled almost three trillion US dollars, making up more than 50% of the region's total foreign trade. East Asia regional cooperation has made tremendous achievements. ASEAN, 10+1, 10+3, China, Japan and the ROK, East Asia Summit and other mechanisms have continued to improve. It is gratifying to note that these mechanisms are drawing on each other's strengths and moving forward in parallel. Third, Asian countries have great potential in human resources, culture, science and technology and their soft power continues to strengthen. This has offered strong backing for Asia's sustainable development. According to the latest figures of UNESCO, Asia had 41.4% of the world's scientific researchers in 2007, up from 35.7% in 2002. And the figure is very likely to further increase to 50% in the coming years. In short, we are seeing before us a thriving Asia enjoying peaceful development.

China's relationship with the Asia Pacific has never been closer.

In the past ten years, China and the rest of the Asia Pacific have grown together and supported each other's development. Together, we have opened a new era of development in this part of the world. As a member of the Asia-Pacific community, China and other countries in the region shoulder the important mission of promoting regional prosperity and stability. We are keenly aware that without a sound regional environment, China can hardly achieve sustainable development. At the same time, China's development is a strong boost to the development of the Asia Pacific. China is committed to the path of peaceful development and the mutually beneficial strategy of opening up. China pursues a policy of developing good-neighborly ties and partnerships with its neighbors. China wants to engage in friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, in a joint endeavor to build a regional environment featuring peace and stability, equality and mutual trust, cooperation and win-win outcomes. Relations between China and its neighboring countries are anchored not only in time-honored traditional friendship, but also growing common interests. By countering crises together, China and other Asia-Pacific countries have fostered deeper mutual trust in the last ten years. By drawing on each other's strengths, we have enhanced mutually beneficial cooperation in a comprehensive way. Indeed, we have made fresh and important headway in our cooperation across the board.

China's exchanges with other Asia-Pacific countries in the political field have become closer. We have established various forms of partnership and conducted fruitful political dialogue. This year alone, we have had over 60 high-level mutual visits and exchanges with Asian countries, involving almost all the countries in the region. Nearly 50 Asian political leaders came to China for the Shanghai World Expo and the Guangzhou Asian Games. Departments at various levels have engaged in extensive exchanges and dialogue with their Asian counterparts.





