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来源:考试大 编辑:keke   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


The shop was crowded, and Old Chuan was busy, carrying a big copper kettle to make tea for one customer after another. There were dark circles under his eyes.

"Aren't you well, Old Chuan? . . . What's wrong with you?" asked one greybeard.
"Nothing? . . . No, I suppose from your smile, there couldn't be . . ." the old man corrected himself.
"It's just that Old Chuan's busy," said the hunchback. "If his son. . . ." But before he could finish, a heavy-jowled man burst in. Over his shoulders he had a dark brown shirt, unbuttoned and fastened carelessly by a broad dark brown girdle at his waist. As soon as he entered, he shouted to Old Chuan:
"Has he eaten it? Any better? Luck's with you, Old Chuan. What luck! If not for my hearing of things so quickly. . . ."
Holding the kettle in one hand, the other straight by his side in an attitude of respect, Old Chuan listened with a smile. In fact, all present were listening respectfully. The old woman, dark circles under her eyes too, came out smiling with a bowl containing tea-leaves and an added olive, over which Old Chuan poured boiling water for the newcomer.
"This is a guaranteed cure! Not like other things!" declared the heavy-jowled man. "Just think, brought back warm, and eaten warm!"
"Yes indeed, we couldn't have managed it without Uncle Kang's help." The old woman thanked him very warmly.
"A guaranteed cure! Eaten warm like this. A roll dipped in human blood like this can cure any consumption!"
The old woman seemed a little disconcerted by the word "consumption," and turned a shade paler; however, she forced a smile again at once and found some pretext to leave. Meanwhile the man in brown was indiscreet enough to go on talking at the top of his voice until the child in the inner room was woken and started coughing.
"So you've had a great stroke of luck for your Little Chuan! Of course his sickness will be cured completely. No wonder Old Chuan keeps smiling." As he spoke, the greybeard walked up to the man in brown, and lowered his voice to ask:
"Mr. Kang, I heard the criminal executed today came from the Hsia family. Who was it? And why was he executed?   "
"Who? Son of Widow Hsia, of course! Young rascal!"
Seeing how they all hung on his words, Mr. Kang's spirits rose even higher. His jowls quivered, and he made his voice as loud as he could.
"The rogue didn't want to live, simply didn't want to! There was nothing in it for me this time. Even the clothes stripped from him were taken by Red-eye, the jailer. Our Old Chuan was luckiest, and after him Third Uncle Hsia. He pocketed the whole reward--twenty-five taels of bright silver--and didn't have to spend a cent!"

Little Chuan walked slowly out of the inner room, his hands to his chest, coughing repeatedly. He went to the kitchen, filled a bowl with cold rice, added hot water to it, and sitting down started to eat. His mother, hovering over him, asked softly:
"Do you feel better, son? Still as hungry as ever?"
"A guaranteed cure!" Kang glanced at the child, then turned back to address the company. "Third Uncle Hsia is really smart. If he hadn't informed, even his family would have been executed, and their property confiscated. But instead? Silver! That young rogue was a real scoundrel! He even tried to incite the jailer to revolt!"
"No! The idea of it!" A man in his twenties, sitting in the back row, expressed indignation.
"You know, Red-eye went to sound him out, but he started chatting with him. He said the great Ching empire belongs to us. Just think: is that kind of talk rational? Red-eye knew he had only an old mother at home, but had never imagined he was so poor. He couldn't squeeze anything out of him; he was already good and angry, and then the young fool would 'scratch the tiger's head,' so he gave him a couple of slaps."
"Red-eye is a good boxer. Those slaps must have hurt!" The hunchback in the corner by the wall exulted.
"The rotter was not afraid of being beaten. He even said how sorry he was."
"Nothing to be sorry about in beating a wretch like that," said Greybeard.
Kang looked at him superciliously and said disdainfully: "You misunderstood. The way he said it, he was sorry for Red-eye."
His listeners' eyes took on a glazed look, and no one spoke. Little Chuan had finished his rice and was perspiring profusely, his head steaming.
"Sorry for Red-eye--crazy! He must have been crazy!" said Greybeard, as if suddenly he saw light.
"He must have been crazy!" echoed the man in his twenties.
Once more the customers began to show animation, and conversation was resumed. Under cover of the noise, the child was seized by a paroxysm of coughing. Kang went up to him, clapped him on the shoulder, and said:
"A guaranteed cure! Don't cough like that, Little Chuan! A guaranteed cure!"
"Crazy!" agreed the hunchback, nodding his head.


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separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

hastily ['heistili]


adv. 匆忙地,急速地

hesitation [.hezi'teiʃən]


n. 犹豫

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

roadway [rəudwei]


n. 车行道,路面

spine [spain]


n. 脊柱,脊椎,书脊,尖刺

string [striŋ]


n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧

flush [flʌʃ]


v. 奔流,发红,冲洗,迅速流过
n. 脸红,

faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模

serried ['serid]


adj. 密集的;林立的;重叠罗列的 v. 拥挤,密集(




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