美国总统奥巴马及夫人于周四颁发了一年一度的国家艺术勋章(National Medal of the Arts),华裔艺术家及建筑师林璎 (Maya Lin)成为获得此项荣誉的艺术家之一。一同当选的艺术家和机构还包括艺术家Frank Stella,设计师Milton Glaser,歌手及演员Rita Moreno,女高音歌唱家Jessye Norman,音乐家鲍勃·迪伦,指挥家Michael Tilson Thomas,作曲家及指挥家John Williams,演员及导演克林特·伊斯特伍德,查尔斯顿市长Joseph P. Riley Jr.以及奥柏林音乐学院 (Oberlin Conservatory of Music)和美国芭蕾舞学校(School of American Ballet)等。
林璎 (Maya Lin)是林徽因的侄女,曾被美国《生活》杂志评为“二十世纪最重要的一百位美国人”与“五十位美国未来的领袖”。她的作品遍布美国各地,而她的最新荣誉是获得2009年度美国国家艺术奖章。2月25日,白宫东厅,美国总统奥巴马为身着黑色镶红边套装的林璎披挂上紫绶带的金质奖章。表彰她作为建筑师、艺术家环保人士的卓著成就。这是美国官方给予艺术家的最高荣誉,而林璎是此次获奖者中唯一的亚裔。
该奖项由国家艺术基金会(National Endowment for the Arts)管理,其荣誉主席Rocco Landesman表示,获奖者代表了“美国建筑、设计、电影、音乐、表演、戏剧和视觉艺术的广度和深度”。
The President presents the National Medal of Arts and the National Humanities Medal for 2009 in a ceremony in the East Room of the White House.
The award recipients for 2009 were the following individuals and organizations, Bob Dylan, Clint Eastwood, Milton Glaser, Maya Lin, Jessye Norman, The Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Joseph P. Riley, Jr., The School of American Ballet, Frank Stella, Michael Tilson Thomas, John Williams, Rita Moreno, Robert A. Caro, Annette Gordon-Reed, David Levering Lewis, William H. McNeil, Philippe de Montebello, Albert H. Small, Theodore C. Sorensen and Elie Wiesel.
Remarks by President Obama at Presentation of National Humanities Medal and National Medal of Arts
East Room
February 25, 2010
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Please have a seat. (Applause.) I'm sorry I'm a little late. (Laughter.) I had this thing I had to do. (Laughter.) But I understand that people have been drinking and -- (laughter) -- and eating the big shrimp around here. And I have to say that the wait will have been worth it, because we are honoring an extraordinary group of individuals.
Before I begin I just want to make a few acknowledgements. First of all, somebody who was busy with me today, and is busy every day on behalf of the American people -- we have Speaker Nancy Pelosi who is here. (Applause.)
We have somebody who has been a great entrepreneur of the arts who we're glad accepted the position of chairman of the NEA, Mr. Rocco Landesman, who is here. Please give him a big round of applause. (Applause.) Another individual who had an extraordinarily distinguished career in Congress and has been a consistent supporter of the arts and the humanities, and is somebody who doesn't just talk bipartisan, but has always walked the bipartisan walk -- we're grateful to have him here, Mr. Jim Leach, chairman of the NEH. (Applause.) Where's Jim? There he is.
Two great friends of mine and the co-chairs of the President's Commission on the Arts and Humanities -- Ms. Margo Lion and Mr. George Stevens -- and all the commission members who are here, will you please stand and let us give you a round of applause. (Applause.)