[考研阅读备考辅导] 考研英语真题阅读理解试题及名师解析 第4篇
真题练习 Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a dec2009-11-09 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 考研英语真题阅读理解试题及名师解析 第3篇
真题练习 When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem toda2009-11-01 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 考研英语真题阅读理解试题及名师解析 第2篇
真题练习 Being a man has always been dangerous. There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are2009-10-30 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 考研英语真题阅读理解试题及名师解析 第1篇
真题练习 A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. When the United States entered just such a glowing period aft2009-10-28 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2010年考研英语阅读专项训练附讲解 第2篇
阅读练习Text 2 Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures that were primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages. Duri2009-10-13 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2010年考研英语阅读专项训练附讲解 第1篇
阅读练习Text 1Before 1965 many scientists pictured the circulation of the ocean’s water mass as consisting of large, slow-moving currents, such as the Gulf Stream. That view, based on 100 years of o2009-09-29 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2010年考研英语阅读理解考点分析
唯物辩证法告诉我们,任何事物现象的背后都隐藏着一定规律,考研阅读试题也不例外。表现在命题上,那就是命题人通常会就文章中的一些关键信息设置考点。我们英语教研室根据历年英语考纲及近10年考研英语阅读理解文2009-09-24 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2010年考研英语高分秘诀:学而时习之
《论语》开篇就提到:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”其中蕴含着学习的大智慧。准备考研,不妨借鉴这种最熟悉又深刻的大智慧。 学:从“?”下部分看是“了”“一”为“子”,庄子说:通于一,而万事毕。老子说:2009-09-16 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 名师指导:助你考研英语阅读理解得高分
考研学生都知道这样一句话:得英语阅读者得天下!可见大家对于阅读理解的重视程度。 阅读理解是英语中所占分值最大的一部分,能否答好这部分内容取得大分值,是很多考生尤其关心的问题。如何在做题过程中掌握2009-09-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2010年考研英语阅读经济类文章复习方法
考研阅读经济类文章往往是提出现象,对现象进行说明,分析其产生原因,并对这种现象加以讨论,解释说明现象时往往在段首提出段落中心或观点,之后使用数据加以说明。用词往往是经济类术语,且包含表达数值变化的2009-09-11 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2010年考研英语阅读命题规律分析
值此《2010年考研英语大纲解析》发布之际,英语教研中心老师给同学们谈一下考研英语阅读partA的命题规律和答题技巧。 阅读理解是考研英语的重头戏,英语能否过关,阅读至关重要。而阅读能力的提高,并不是一2009-09-10 编辑:alex 标签:
[考研英语阅读理解模拟训练附讲解] 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读大汇总
2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读大汇总· 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读汇总(一) · 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读汇总(二) · 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读汇总(三)2009-08-17 编辑:sunny 标签:
[考研英语阅读理解模拟训练附讲解] 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读汇总(三)
2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读汇总(三)· 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读:关键时刻 · 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读:9.11之后的世界 · 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读:美联储:各抒己见 · 2010考研2009-08-17 编辑:sunny 标签:
[考研英语阅读理解模拟训练附讲解] 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读: 恍如置身天堂的总统--非
报刊阅读Seychelles: A president in paradise BEST known as a destination for honeymooners in search of perfect white beaches and swaying palms, the Seychelles islands rarely make any sort of hea2009-08-17 编辑:sunny 标签:
[考研英语阅读理解模拟训练附讲解] 2010考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读: 从基因到转基因生命体
报刊阅读From Genes to GMOs Today, genes can be isolated, identified, and cloned, then inserted into other organisms to alter their traits. The process is called genetic engineering. For this te2009-08-14 编辑:sunny 标签:
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【协议】2015考研英语(一)签约全程班 | 170 | ¥1580 | |
【协议】2015考研英语(二)签约全程班 | 166 | ¥1580 | |
2015考研政英签约全程联报班 | 326 | ¥2280 | |
2015考研政英全程联报班 | 301 | ¥1980 | |
2015考研政英数全程联报班 | 444 | ¥2980 | |
2015考研词汇5500【恋练有词 朱伟】 | 50 | ¥380 | |
2015考研政英西医综合全科签约联报班 | 528 | ¥3580 |