exotic-extensive Exploring for Diamonds
Kip had extensive knowledge of the area under exploration,
基普对正在勘探的地区 有全面的了解,
but he had no expertise in creating explosions.
但他在引爆方面没有 专长.
He was an expert at import and export
and a long-term expatriate
with more exposure to life in the jungle than any other foreigner.
和其他外国人相比, 他接触了更多的丛林 生活.
The explosives were Monsieur Philippe's responsibility,
and he took exquisite pleasure in the fact.
他非常乐于从事这一 工作.
Kip might lead the expedition, but success depended on Philippe.
基普虽然有可能领导这 次探险活动, 但这次行 动能否成功却取决于菲 力普.
It was a good team.
As they went deeper and deeper into the exotic jungle,
随着探险队一步一步深 入奇异的丛林,
expanding their search,
Kip monitored all expenditures
基普又要监督所有的经 费使用情况
as well as the extension of their permit into unknown areas.
既要负责延长他们的许 可证, 使他们能进入陌 生地区.
The scenery was exquisite and Philippe was happy to explore,
丛林景色优美, 菲力普 很高兴有这次探索的机 会.
but they had just extended their permit for the last time
不过他们的许可证刚刚 做了最后一次延期,
and time was expiring;
they needed to find what they were looking for.
他们需要找到他们要 找的东西.
When they found it, Monsieur Philippe went to work.
找到之后, 菲力普先生 就去工作了.
Sounds never heard in the jungle followed
接着丛林中响起了从未 听到过的声音,
and they successfully exploited the land for over $10 million worth of rare diamonds.
他们成功地开发了这片 土地, 那上面的稀有钻石价值 超过1000万美元.
Their return journey was as expedient as possible,
他们往回撤的时候尽量 举止得当,
so that they would not be expelled from the country without their prize.
以免被驱逐出境, 空手而归.
When they exposed the amount of diamonds that they had found at the border, however, they were given trouble.
但是, 在边境他们暴露 了找到的钻石的数量, 结果遇到了麻烦.
But the permit was explicit that they could take out whatever they found
幸好许可证上明确地写 着他们可以将发现的任 何东西带出国境,
and they were released to return home.
The border guards were furious, but their boss, the chief of police,
边境警卫大怒, 但他们 的上司--警察局长
was able to send his families to America the following year,
却于第二年将全家送到 了美国,
never to return.
而且他们永远不会回 来了.