VIVIEN: Well,it was very enjoyable and just to give you an idea of what they produced,I've brought along three hats to show you.This one here is based on a circular stairway in an old building in London.It uses three pillbox hats one on top of the other.This was designed by Theresa.Here's another one that has a simple strip going round the base of the hat but has then gone on to add strips of paper that come out from the base and that meet at the top of the hat - rather like a crown - making a fairly tall hat.This was made by Muriel.And lastly there's a combination of the pillbox or single strip around the base and then the conical hat shape on top to form a castle turret.This was made by Fabrice,and there are many more that I could have brought.
TUTOR: Thank you,Vivien.That was most interesting.Now what we can learn from this is that...