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雅思口语激情之旅:College Life & Education Part 1

来源:可可英语 编辑:rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

1. Do you like your university?
这道题之前省略了两个必答题:Are you a student? Where are you studying now? 鉴于问题的私人性质,问题和参考答案我们略过。当被问及是否喜欢某人某事时,一定有一个隐藏问题“Why”,在这里我们借鉴两个不同的回答——肯定的和否定的,希望考生明白一个道理:面对“Yes/No question”时,先不要急于给出答案,想好自己的理由,重点在于怎样更有利于表达,而不是一定是自己的真实想法。

Candidate 1: I fall in love with my university at first sight and this love is on the rise as I know further about her. Thanks to my university, my college life is truly colorful. What's of vital importance is that she provides me with an outstanding academic atmosphere(学术氛围). I am able to communicate with talanted and passionate(有激情的) people such as my professors and classmates who share the same interests with me. What's more, I am offered lots of chances to choose the societies(社团) I like. Through the learning in my university and participating in(参与) the activities organized by the societies, I really have broadened my horizons and made many good friends. They all help me develop myself into a well-rounded(全面的) person. I am grateful to my university.

Candidate 1思路清晰,表达生动。“我对我的学校一见钟情……”一个有趣的开头有可能更好地吸引考官耐心地听下去,正所谓“Well begun, half done”;而其中What's of vital importance is that...句型和连接词What's more的使用很好地划分了两个层次,即喜欢校园生活的两个原因;最后以对学校的感谢收尾再次点题。

Candidate 2: Honestly speaking, I don't like my university because the schoolyard is too small and it's not very beautiful. Moreover, the conditions of our dormitory(学生宿舍) can't satisfy our needs. Actually it's not as good as that of my high school. As it's impossible to change the realities, I've tried my best to adapt myself to the new life. Besides study, I also find something to enrich my life. Last semester(学期), I joined the Students' Union(学生会), and we organized several extracurricular activities, which had made my school life more colorful and chanllenging(有挑战性的).

Candidate 2很巧妙地从对校园生活的不满过渡到自己良好的适应能力上,Honestly speaking和Actually在口语中的自然使用增加了交流的真实可信,Moreover有效地划分了层次,最后非限制性定语从句的使用为表达增色不少。

2. Is there anything you don't like about your study?

Candidate 1: I enjoy a great number of good things in my study, but there is still one thing that disturbs me a lot when I am conducting Physics experiments(做实验). Because the updating of the equipments in the lab fails to keep up with(与……保持同步) the development of science, I always face the difficulty that the equipments described in my textbook cannot match that in reality. It is annoying.

简单明了,第一句的转折起到欲抑先扬的作用。对待这种问题笔者就建议考生抱怨不要太多,点到为止,否则可能上升到生活态度(attitude toward life)的问题。

Candidate 2: Yes, there is. Firstly, the course selective system(选课系统) is not good. We always don't have the chance to choose the subjects we really like. Secondly, there are too many students in a class. Sometimes, we can't even find a seat. It's overcrowded(过于拥挤的). Thirdly, in class, some students don't leave time for us to think deeply. What is more, when the professors could even get higher marks than those written by honest students. In addition, I think some contents in the textbooks are of no use in the future. They are either too theoretical or too academic in practice. But we have to spend so much time in reading them. It's so boring.

大量的短语的使用让Candidate 2的抱怨显得有些孩子气,五个层次的准备无论是从说话人的记忆角度还是对听众的耐心来说都略显琐碎了,可以再精减一些,但是事实上短句在保证流畅性的前提下并不会太大程度上影响考生的分值。

3. How's your college life?
应该说“How”开头的问题要比“Yes/No question" 要求更高,因为这个题目可以涵盖后两个方面,即要求答题者不仅要解释校园生活是否认同及其原因,更要展开描述目前的学习生活状态和情感。

Candidate 1: I am a freshman. University life is new and different experience for me. First of all, it gives me a sense of responsibility(责任感). Living away from home creates a good chance for me to cultivate my sense of independence. Since my parents are not by my side, everything has to be handled by myself. I have to arrange my schedule of study. I have to set side(放置在一边) enough money for an emergency. I have to learn to open my bank account and spend my money resonably(合理地,适度地). In a word, I have to make my own decisions. I do like my university life even though I feel a little bored once in a while because of hard study. Although I like university, I can still get homesick. After all, this is the first time I have to live on my own.

Candidate 1首先声明,“我是新手啊”,所以校园里的一切都是新鲜的,回答听起来很自然。他对校园生活最主要的感受是独立性和责任感的提高,接着举例说明表现在生活和学习两个方面,然后用in a word对这一部分简单总结。随后接连着两个让步从句even though...; Although...表达了两个小小的遗憾,最后自己打个圆场:毕竟是第一次离家嘛。

Candidate 2: To be honest, life in the university is not as comfortable as I expected. Firstly, we are heavily burdened with(超负荷的) many classes, excessive homework and examinations, which keeps us working hard from morning till night. Secondly, the old conversation teaching method is too dull. We are fed like ducks or rather containers, listening to the teachers all the time in class, being busy taking notes(做笔记). Our brains become numb because of the mechanical acceptance of knowledge. And such days repeat day after day, week after week, and year after year. It is simply tiresome. And the food in the university canteen can seldom be tasty(美味的) enough. Whenever dinnertime comes I can't help thinking of the food made by my mother. Finally, the living condition here is much worse than that of my home. I have to share a dorm with at least other four roomates. It is usually crowded with our personal belonglings. Nobody has his own privacy(个人隐私) living in such a dorm. In brief, I don't think life in the university is wonderful.

抱怨的高手是善于博得对方的认同甚至是同情。To be honest, Frankly speaking, To tell the truth是表达不同意见的常用短语,阐明立场后,Candidate 2从学习内容、学习方法、饮食和住宿四个方面有力地支持了自己的论点,最后用in brief再次呼应开头的立论,回答完整清晰。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mechanical [mi'kænikəl]


adj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的
n. (供制

enrich [in'ritʃ]


vt. 使富足,使肥沃,添加元素

dormitory ['dɔ:mitri]


n. 集体宿舍

selective [si'lektiv]


adj. 选择的,选择性的

excessive [ik'sesiv]


adj. 过多的,过分的

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的

acceptance [ək'septəns]


n. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等),同意,认可,承兑

privacy ['praivəsi]


n. 隐私,隐居,秘密

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

outstanding [aut'stændiŋ]


adj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的


关键字: 韩语 每日




