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雅思口语激情之旅:Profession&Success Part 3(上)

来源:可可英语 编辑:rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

1. Some people believe that overseas students enjoy preferential treatment after coming back to China. What is your opinion?

Candidate 1: Yes, I believe overseas students will enjoy preferential treatment after coming back to China. Overseas students may receive good education than others. They can get to know more about the world, since they are to get in touch with new science and technology. They can develop their abilities with the help of their teachers and collegues. Therefore, they have many opportunities to get improvement. Moreover, the government has brought in many preferential policies(优惠政策) for returned students, such as providing preferential treatment, providing better working and living conditions, providing organizational support and information service and so on.

Candidate 1分析了留学归国人员的优势,认为“海归”理应受到优待。并且从国家政策角度阐述了海归受优待的原因。

Candidate 2: Some people believe that if overseas students come back to China, they will enjoy preferential treatment compared with others. But in my opinion, those students should not be treated so well. It is certain that they will face a lot of chanllenges. First, some overseas students think themselves much better than others. They can't evaluate themselves correctly and ask for too much payment. Second,many managers said that the number of overseas has increased dramatically(大量地,引人注目地) but the quality has reduced. Third, some overseas with real ability are unable to adapt to(适应) the working conditions in China. It seems that they are "fish out of water" here.

Candidate 2持反对意见,认为“海归”应该退去光环,与国内接受教育的人士享受同等的待遇。最后一句“fish of water”使回答多了一丝生动。

Candidate 3: As we all know, there are more and more overseas students coming back to China.They think that a foreign diploma means a good job and bright future, but I don't think so. Ability one owns determines his achievement. It doesn't matter whether you study home or abroad. The most important factor is your ability to do work well. If your EQ(情商) is lower, the overseas diploma means nothing. There's no doubt that studying overseas will afford you more opportunities, but a successful man needs not only foreign diploma. Therefore I think improving the capability is the priority.

Candidate 4: In China, studying abroad has become a trend among students. I think most of us know the Chinese named Liu Yiting who was recruited by Harvard University. But she can't represent the majority after all. The talent is up to the capability one possesses. For overseas students, maybe they have more chances to communicate with foreigners and learn from them. However, we can also learn foreign languages well domestically(在国内) if we study hard enough. Maybe overseas students argue that they have touched the most developed economy, culture or technology. But in modern times when information technology is developing fast, we are also able to become know-alls.

2. How you ever thought to have your own business? What business do you hope to have?

Candidate 1: What business should I have? In my opinion, garbage recovery(废物利用) and recycling may be a good choice. As shortage of money is the main barrier(阻碍), I have to start my enterprise(企业) from recovery of waste paper. Obviously, at first it will be very laborious(艰苦的). But once I have enough money, I'll be able to expand(扩展) my business into plenty of fields, such as metal recycling(循环利用), waste water, chemical wastes recycling, etc.


Candidate 2: At the age of 40, I want to own a NBA team and I would be the manager of the basketball team. I will help my team win every game till it gets the championship(冠军). I know it's like a dream, but every time I think about it, it makes me smile. As a student now, the word "business" means nothing to me because I don't have any ability to run a "business". Therefore study is my real "business" now.


Candidate 3: I didn't think about my own business before the last summer holiday. At that time, I decided to cut my hair. But when I stepped into the barber's(理发店), I was shocked to find that I was in a fairy and pretty house. It was full of magic I just fell in love with it at the first sight. So at that time, I decidec to have my own magic shop where people can enjoy themselves. Of course, it is not only a barber shop but also a shop selling pretty things such as flowers, decorations(饰品), etc.

Candidate 4:I want to have my own company in the future. My company will specialize in the field of import and export trade and all kinds of international business. I will set up rules and regulations for my employees to observe(遵守). The ones who behave well would receive awards and the ones who do not work perfectly would get punishment. In my company every staff has his own job. So they can show their ability and make contributions to my company.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

factor ['fæktə]


n. 因素,因子
vt. 把 ... 因素包括

championship ['tʃæmpiənʃip]


n. 锦标赛,冠军,拥护

observe [əb'zə:v]


v. 观察,遵守,注意到
v. 评论,庆

payment ['peimənt]


n. 支付,付款,报偿,报应

barrier ['bæriə]


n. 界线,屏障,栅栏,障碍物

enterprise ['entəpraiz]


n. 企业,事业,谋划,进取心

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,






