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雅思口语激情之旅:Profession&Success Part 1(下)

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Candidate 1: I think the essential conditions of success should be a definite goal(明确的目标), hard work, persistence and a good chance. First, we'd better make our goals definite, otherwise we would feel like being at a loss(不知所措). Second, we must work hard for the goals because it's well known that success needs 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration(灵感). Third, when we're on the way to the goals, we need persist in them. Persistence, which I believe would be the most difficult, is also an important elements of success. Finally, we should wait for a good chance appearing and catch it tightly. Then success could give us a close embrace(拥抱).

Candidate 2: Everyone wants to succeed. But what are the essential conditions of success? Firstly, you must have genius. Genius shows that one may have gift in certain field. For example, if a person doesn't have the gift in painting, he can hardly succeed in painting. Secondly, it's curiosity. People must have it so that they can find some strange things and create new thingd. The third one is confidence. Having confidence, you'll believe in yourself so that you have the passion to develop. The last one is determination. When you explore success, you may meet with failure. Don't give up and you will finally succeed.
结构和Candidate 1基本一样。只是我们看到不同的成功要素——天才、好奇心、信心和决心。

9. Do you think there should be an age-limit on job?

Candidate 1: As far as I am concerned, there should be an age-limit on job. On
one hand, there are some bad phenomena in our society. A lot of pupils are forced to work in some factories, which is not legal(合法的). Also, it makes a bad impact(影响) on children's health development. On the other hand, elderly people wouldn't have enough energy to do their job perfectly, so they should retire and be taken care of by the society. Above all, I think there should be an age-limit on job.
“立论——分析——总结”这一典型结构使应答者显得层次分明。On the one hand和On the other hand分别阐述了两类工作年限;Above all再次呼应开头的立论,一气呵成。

Candidate 2: I support that there should be an age-limit on jobs. Because I believe that different people have different abilities, especially people of different ages. For example, can a 13-year-old boy really do some work which should be done by a 30-year-old man such as moving stones or constructing(建造)buildings? Of course not.
Candidate 2巧妙地给出了一个反问式的例子,从而变被动为主动,使回答更为鲜活生动。

Candidate 3: I disagree with the idea that there should be an age-limit on jobs. Age-limit keeps from doing interesting things, and deprives people of(剥夺) their human rights(人权). In my opinion, age is not priority(优先考虑的事情). When you apply for a job, the recruiter(招聘人员) pays close attention to your ability and talent, and age can only be a reference(参考) element. If you like the job and your really need it, you can try and prove yourself, no matter how old you are.
年龄并不重要,证明和展示自己才是最重要的。Candidate 3首先旗帜鲜明地否认了命题的观点,继而引出自己的观点。






