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Unit 1 Relationships 3 异性关系

1.Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marriage registration? What is your opinion?

Candidate 1: Nowadays, it's very common to see young couples who live together without marriage registration. They just rent a small apartment, furnish it with simple things and move in to have their special life. Perhaps different couples choose this way of life just for reasons known to themselves. I don't know, but I can understand and accept it. I have good reasons to believe that for some young couples living together without marriage registration is the right thing to do. I can list my reasons as follows.
Firstly, we can see that in our society it's a sad but true fact that divorce rate is on the rise. Young people's high expectation from each other and tendency to make rush decisions always lead to marriage failures. When they are in love, they are often blind to other things and quickly get married. However, sometimes love may be just a temporary passion. So when the passion is gone, the marriage is over. If people can live together and spend more time getting more knowledge about each other, the sad thing can be avoided. They can find the good thingd from their lovers and they will finally recognize that esteem and admiration are more important than passion. Therefore, they are really love matches and the unity of body and soul can last forever.
Secondly, marriage registration is just a form and when it comes to marriage, things seem to become complicated. Young couples like to live simple life and they don't want to be tied up. You can imagine if two persons get married, how many things they would do. They are likely to buy a new house expensively furnished, raise a baby and let him or her get the best education and also look after four old parents. They can't be absorbed in their work and some poor girls have to give up their work for the family.
Thirdly, as we all know, our country is facing a population explosion and the UN is investigating new methods of population control. In my view, young couples living together without marriage registration are not likely to be ready to raise a baby. That may do something good for our birth control policy.
All in all, living together without marriage registration is fashionable and it's also a good thing for ourselves, for the society and for our country.
Candidate 1: 对年轻人未婚同居持肯定态度。同居,不仅使两个人对彼此的生活习惯有所适应,更包含着对彼此更深刻的认识。因为同居,双方可以充分观察对方。另外,这一行为也可以让年轻人更全身心地投入工作,有利于控制人口的过快的增长。

Candidate 2: These days this practice is becoming more and more acceptable to our society. I think it's good idea for couples to try to live together before they get moarried, because you can learn a lot more about someone when you are living together.A lot of married couples didn't know about each other's living habits until they are married. And that has caused a lot of problems and frictions between couples. And after people fall in love with each other, they usually try to show only their good sides. So why not try living with someone before you decide to spend the rest of your life with him/her? Maybe you'll find out that you can't sleep because he snores too much, or he can't live with your three-hundred pairs of shoes. You won't know until you've tried it.
Candidate 2: 同样是赞同年轻人未婚同居,认为同居的过程本身就是男女双方相互了解、磨合的过程,慢慢地两个人都能感觉到和他(她)在一起会不会幸福。结尾的“打鼾”和“三百双鞋子”非常生动。

Candidate 3: At present, it is universal that couples live together without marriage registration. And most people think that is understandable. But I insist that it has a series of defects if couples live together without marriage registration.
Firstly, if couples live together without marriage registration, most women would choose abortion when they are pregnant. But abortion would do harm to the women physically and psychologically.Secondly, if a woman is pregnant and then gives birth to a baby, the child wouldn't get better education in the future.Thirdly, living together without marriage registration comes into conflict with our traditional moral values.
Candidate 3对未婚同居这一现象持反对态度。认为未婚同居给女性造成伤害,不利于孩子的成长教育并有违社会传统观念。

2. Do you believe that marriage is romantic in itself but it will perish someday in the future?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

tendency ['tendənsi]


n. 趋势,倾向

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

psychologically [,psaikə'lɔdʒikəli]


adv. 心理上地;心理学地

attentive [ə'tentiv]


adj. 注意的,留意的

fashionable ['fæʃənəbl]


adj. 流行的,时髦的

esteem [is'ti:m]


n. 尊敬
vt. 认为,尊敬

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数






