

面试英语您的位置: 首页 > 行业英语 > 职场英语 > 面试英语
  • 求职者网上言行千万不可大意

    There's been no shortage of warnings about the career dangers of posting racy content on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Yet many job hunters still don't heed that advice, and others do...

    2011-09-11 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 求职者求职时最忌讳提及的几个问题

    When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, "So, do you haveany questions?" That's your cue to show off your research with queries about the company's competitors, p...

    2011-09-08 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 毁掉你面试的元凶:18个细节暴露你的弱点

    Don't come a half an hour early. It makes me feel pressure to finish what I'm doing. 5 minutes early is more than enough.  终于凭借闪亮的简历见到了传说中的HR,你有把握说服他,让他认为你就是这份工

    2011-09-07 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 想要求职成功?那就戴副眼镜去面试吧

    不用担心衬衫是否挺括,或者握手是否有力了,如果你想给未来的老板留下好印象,就戴一副眼镜吧。最新研究显示,面试时带眼镜的求职者受聘机率更大。 Never mind a crisp shirt or a firm handshake. If you want t

    2011-09-06 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 职场必备口语:如何用英语婉转地批评人?

    Your boss tells you that you did a bad job. Your coworker criticizes you in front of your whole team. Ouch! It's not easy to take criticism, no matter who it comes from. But, it is easy to so...

    2011-09-05 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 用英文求职面试?你可以这样说......

    Job Interview in English? Say this ... 英文求职面试?你可以这样说...... 你已经找到很好的工作,但是你必须面对一件事情就是:面试。"什么话是不应该说的呢?"想一想。不要再担心了!好消息就是有很多新进员

    2011-09-04 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 潮词:你是臭脾气的职场“榴莲族”吗?

    还记得我们说过的职场“草莓族”吗?这个族指的是新入职场的80后,素质不错、但是经受不了挫折和伤害。今天,我们来说一个他们的前辈,脾气臭、还不好对付的“榴莲族”。  Durian clan  refers to those ill-te

    2011-09-02 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 职场必备:公司高层职位的英文缩写

    CEO:Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官  CFO:Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官  COO:Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官  CTO:Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官  CIO:Chief Information Off

    2011-09-01 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 挽救糟糕面试的妙方 祝你一举成功

    There are many ways for an interview to go wrong。   搞砸一个面试的方法有很多。  You show up late. There's a stain on your shirt. You accidentally insult the interviewer's mother。  你迟到

    2011-08-31 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 英语求职简历最大的误区在于:言过于实


    2011-08-30 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 职场秘籍:找到工作最有效的方法

    Looking for a way to get your resume noticed? Need answers to those seemingly impossible interview questions?在寻找一个让你的简历得到注意的方法吗?在为那些不可能的面试问题寻找答案吗?Ask you neighbor

    2011-08-29 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • 面试英语:如何应对电话面试?

    有时候,公司会在面对面的面试之前,进行一次电话面试,也就是传说中的“电面”。大家该如何应对电话面试呢?来学学吧。 Sometimes companies will ask you for a telephone interview before a face to face one.

    2011-08-28 编辑:Richard 标签: