Well, well, the girl gets spots, yes. Her skin starts to get more oily in puberty. Ovulation can overcome her at any moment. I'll think she's really fertile now. The girl has her first menstruation. That can be quite a shock the first time. Yes, indeed. It certainly is a shock to her. She's having period. That's the way we often say. Now she's really a woman. And she'll have a period every month from now on, but the boy is also wound up. If things go according to plan, then we'll get to see real time his first ejaculation. Yes, yes. What a beauty. And it certainly won't be the last. Then the boy's torso. Huh, it's really launching at a long way. And oh now he's developing spots too.
Fortunately, his shoulders are getting broader. You'll need them. And that makes up for the spots. The girl has now passed the peak of her growth. From now on, she'll grow much more slowly. What's the boy doing? Scratching, is that scratching? No, beards double on his check first. Fluffy hairs, very soft, yes. Like everything else to do with puberty, it doesn't hit everyone at the same moment. Some people, developments can last much longer, or much more quickly. All is very different. Nothing wrong with that.
Well, now the boy's ready too. Maybe a few just has. Very slow things will carry on like that for a while. The girl is now really a woman and quite some woman. Just look, 16 years old and what a beautiful specimen. The boy can see that too. Now he's exhausted. It's a difficult journey to puberty. But keep your eyes open. He's approaching her. She's completely mature. It takes a little longer for him. Great, isn't it? It's fascinating to watch every time you see.