Barehanded Fighting
Barehanded fighting in the broad sense means to fight with hands and no apparatus.
In this way, it originated with the appearance of human being because the barehanded fighting between human and animals happened frequently in the remote antiquity.
In the narrow sense,it means to fight with bare hands with skills and rules.
From this point of view,barehanded fighting is somewhat like Chinese boxing.

It had developed into a special skill in the Period of Spring and Autumn and had its great development in the Han dynasty,including the three aspects.
(1) Different skills and methods were invented such as Judi (means to hold a person fast first and then knock it down ), hitting on the back, sidewinder, fast hitting, xiangpi and curling like a wheel;
(2)the different nicknames for barehanded fighting which distinguished itself clearly from Juedi;
(3)it was applied as a means to check the soldiers in the army.
Aftervvard,the title of barehanded fighting was gradually neglected with the thriving and development of serial Chinese boxing stunts.