Allowance, which is sometimes confused with tolerance, has an altogether different meaning. It is the minimum clearance space intended between mating parts and represents the condition of tightest permissible fit.
If a shaft, size 1.498-0.003, is to fit a hole of size 1.500+0.003, the minimum size hole is 1.500 and the maximum size shaft is 1.498. Thus the allowance is 0.002 and the maximum clearance is 0.008 as based on the minimum shaft size and maximum hole dimension.
Tolerances may be either unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral tolerance means that any variation is made in only one direction from the nominal or basic dimension. Referring to the previous example, the hole is dimensioned 1.500+0.003, which represents a unilateral tolerance.
If the dimensions were given as 1.500±0.003, the tolerance would be bilateral; that is, it would vary both over and under the nominal dimension. The unilateral system permits changing the tolerance while still retaining the same allowance or type of fit.
With the bilateral system, this is not possible without also changing the nominal size dimension of one or both of the two mating parts. In mass production, where mating parts must be interchangeable, unilateral tolerances are customary. To have an interference or force fit between mating parts, the tolerances must be such as to create a zero or negative allowance.