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Part 11 A Visit to a Surgeon第十一部分 看外科医生
1. My hand(elbow,neck, foot,side,arm,wrist) hurts.我的手(胳膊肘,脖子,脚,身体侧面,胳臂,手腕)疼。

2. My legs(hands, shoulders, feet,ankles,knees, muscles)hurt.我的腿(手,肩膀,脚,脚脖子,膝关节,肌肉)疼。

3. I have got a finger cut.我的手指破了。

4. You'd better take an X-ray.我建议你去拍一张X光片子。

5. I can see from your X-ray that your femur is broken in several places.从X光片子上看,你的股骨断了好几处。
Your leg will have to be in traction。你的腿需要接受牵引治疗。

6. It's normal to have a lot of pain at this stage.在这个阶段,有剧痛是正常的。

7. We'll make sure that you get the best possible treatment.我们要保证你得到尽可能好的治疗。

II. Dialogues(1)A:What's the matter?你怎么了?
B:My neck hurts.我脖子疼.
A:What's the matter?你怎么了?
B:My neck hurts.我脖子疼。Dialogues
(2)A:What's the problem?你有什么不舒服的?
B:My legs hurt.我的腿疼。
A:What's the problem?你有什么不舒服的?
B:My legs hurt.我的腿疼。Dialogues
(3)A:I don't feel well.我不好受.
B:What's the matter with you?你怎么了?
A:I have a backache.我的背疼。
A:I don't feel well.我不好受。
B:What's the matter with you?你怎么了?
A:I have a backache.我的背疼。
Dialogues (4)A:I've got my finger cut.我的手指切破了。
B:Why don't you go to the Doctor's?你怎么不去看医生呢?
A:That's a good idea.这是个好主意。
A:I've got my finger cut.我的手指切破了。
B:Why don't you go to the Doctor's?你怎么不去看医生呢?
A:That's a good idea.这是个好主意。
Dialogues (5)A:I've got an insect bite.我被虫子咬了一口。
B:What about buying something for it at the chemists?你怎么不到药店去买点药?
A:What a good idea!这真是个好主意。
A:I've got an insect bite.我被虫子咬了一口。
B:What about buying something for it at the chemists?你怎么不到药店去买点药?
A:What a good idea!这真是个好主意。Dialogues
(6)A:I can see from your X-ray that your femur is broken in several places,从你的X光片子上我看到你的股骨断了好几处。
and I'm afraid we'll have to operate.恐怕我们得给你做手术。
Lie here,and don't move your leg.躺在这里,腿别动。
Someone will come to take you to the Operating Theatre.有人来把你带到手术室。
B:All right,Doctor.好吧,大夫。
A:When you wake up, your leg will be in plaster,当你做完手术醒来时,你的腿已用石膏固定起来了,and it's normal to have a lot of pain at this stage.在这个阶段有剧痛是很正常的。
B:How long will I stay in hospital?我将在医院里住多长时间?
A:You'll have to stay in hospital for about four weeks.你在医院里大约要住四周左右。
B:Why do I have to stay in hospital so long?我为什么要在医院里住这么长的时间?
A:Because your leg will have to be in traction.因为你的腿将需要接受牵引治疗。
We'll make sure that you get the best possible treatment.我们要保证你得到尽可能好的治疗。
B:Thank you,Doctor.谢谢,大夫。
A:I can see from your X-ray that your femur is broken in several places,从你的X光片子上我看到你的股骨断了好几处。
and I'm afraid we'll have to operate.恐怕我们得给你做手术。
Lie here,and don't move your leg.躺在这里,腿别动。
Someone will come to take you to the Operating Theatre.有人来把你带到手术室。
B:All right,Doctor.好吧,大夫。
A:When you wake up,your leg will be in plaster,当你做完手术醒来时,你的腿已用石膏固定起来了,and it's normal to have a lot of pain at this stage.在这个阶段有剧痛是很正常的。
B:How long will I stay in hospital?我将在医院里住多长时间?
A:You'll have to stay in hospital for about four weeks.你在医院里大约要住四周左右。
B:Why do I have to stay in hospital so long?我为什么要在医院里住这么长的时间?
A:Because your leg will have to be in traction.因为你的腿将需要接受牵引治疗。
We'll make sure that you get the best possible treatment.我们要保证你得到尽可能好的治疗。B:Thank you,Doctor.谢谢,大夫。This is the end of part 11.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

plaster ['plɑ:stə]


n. 石膏,灰泥,膏药
v. 涂以灰泥,敷以膏

traction ['trækʃən]


n. 拖,拽,牵引,牵引力,附着磨擦力

elbow ['elbəu]


n. 手肘,急弯,扶手
v. 用手肘推开,推挤

wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

surgeon ['sə:dʒən]


n. 外科医生






