1.spoilage n.损坏(the act or process of spoiling);损坏物(sth. spoiled or wasted)
例:The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage.
2.sponsor v.赞助(to pay for a project or activity);n.赞助人(a person or an organization that pays for or plans and carries out a project or activity)
例:government-sponsored由政府赞助的 //The sponsors of the offensive program were arrested.
3.sporadically ad.偶发地(infrequently);零星地
例:Lyme disease(莱姆关节炎)is not a common disease and occurs only sporadically.//The rebels fired sporadically towards police in their shelters.
4.spot n.地点(a particular area or place);斑点(an area marred or marked);现场(the place of action)
例:After one year at the new spot, it is doing about the same volume of business as before.
5.spouse n.配偶,夫妻(husband or wife)
例:My spouse and I have been married for four years.
6.spray n.喷雾(剂)(water flying in small drops or particles);小花枝(a usually flowering branch or shoot);y.喷洒(to project spray or something resembling spray on or into)
例:nasal spray鼻用喷雾剂//A rare New Zealand species of mistletoe produces spectacular sprays of scarlet flowers.//Various pesticides have been sprayed in the past 25 years in efforts to control the spruce budworm.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
(Friedrich Schiller, German dramatist and poet)
adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的