Exercise 3 Listen to two people discussing the plans. Complete the Function File with these words.
So,what do you think about all these new plans for the town?
Personally,I think they should build the new road. It would get the traffic out of the town.
I'm not so sure. It would be very expersive and it would take a long time. It's also not very environmentally friendly. Think about the wildlife. Why don't they improve the bus service? It's not very good at the moment. More people would use the buses if they were cheap and came regularly, and there would be less traffic.
That's a good idea. The buses are terrible at the moment. You have to wait ages. Mm, I know. And how about building a shopping centre? The nearest one's miles away.
I don't think that's a very good idea. What about the local shops? What would happen to them? And anyway, I hate those big shopping centers...