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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2007-12-17 0:20:06  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

  26. Why did noblewomen in Europe do their best to keep their color as light as possible?

  【解析】选[C]。文中提到,贵族妇人尽可能保持肤色洁白是因为白皙的肤色被认为是美丽和高贵的象征。a mark of...nobleness表明贵族们极力想使自己和农民区分开来。选项[C]与此相符,为答案。

  27. Who were the people having a tan according to the passage?


  28. What does the passage mainly tell us?


Passage Two

  Our topic today is about fleas that plague all of us who have cats and dogs in our homes. You may be surprised to find out that there are about 1,500 species of fleas, and that each species has its own preferred host. Fleas are, in fact, quite adept at finding their hosts. In an experiment, 270 fleas from rabbits were marked and then let loose in a large meadow. After a few days, a full half of the fleas had found rabbits to live on. Fleas also have a very interesting flexible diet. They can go for many months without eating if they have to, and they will change hosts in order to get more food, even if they don't like the taste of their new host as much as the old! Their jumping ability is incredible, too. You may know this from your own experience. Some fleas can jump as high as 13 inches, which is quite a lot for such a small creature. This jumping ability comes from their relatively large muscular legs that are equipped with resilin, a kind of natural rubber. The elastic properties of this resilin have not yet been equaled in any artificial substance. Though the fleas on your cat or dog are not dangerous to you, some fleas carry diseases. It is the rat flea that is responsible for carrying some fatal plagues. These fleas have been in part responsible for the Great Plague of Europe in 500 A D that spread from Ethiopia to Byzantium to Europe. They are also part of the cause of Black Death in China and Europe.

  Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. According to the passage, in what way are fleas flexible in their diets?

 【解析】选[D]。题干句对应文中的Fleas also have a very interesting flexible diet,其后的They can go for many months without eating...对flexible diet进行了解释说明,选项[D]是对原文的同义转述,为答案。

  30. According to the talk, what is resilin?

  【解析】选[C]。resilin为超纲词,但结合其所在句This jumping ability comes from their relatively large muscular legs that are equipped with resilin, a kind of natural rubber推断,resilin应为跳蚤腿部中的一种物质,选项[C]正确。

  31. According to the speaker, which flea has been responsible for deaths?

  【解析】选[A]。fatal意为"致命的",文中提到的It is the rat flea that is responsible for carrying some fatal plagues表明rat flea可以导致死亡,选项[A]正确。

  32. According to the speaker, where did the Great Plague spread in the sixth century?

  【解析】选[B]。根据文中提到的the Great Plague of Europe in 500 A D that spread from Ethiopia to Byzantium to Europe很容易得知本题答案:选项[B]正确。

Passage Three

  Through the years of being an advisor at the university, I've often been requested to give suggestions about how to handle "information anxiety". Now let me give you some advice. First of all, what is "information anxiety"? Well, as you know, we are bombarded daily by books, magazines, newspapers, television, and radio. We are hit with bills, letters, and reports. All of this can cause quite a lot of anxiety. It's because we are living in the "information age" that we get this bombardment of information everyday. So today let me give you some organizing tips that should make your life easier.

  First of all, when you get your mail, open it and sort it right away. Get rid of all junk inserts, and then sort the mail into four categories: to do, to pay, to read, and to file.

  Be realistic about your reading. Check the magazines you subscribe to on a regular basis. If you find yourself falling behind in your reading, let some of those subscriptions go. And if you are one of those people who like to clip out articles to read later, then do some screening first and be sure to clip only the most important articles for reading later.

  You should have a filing system, but don't use your files as a dumping ground. Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers at least once a year, more often if possible.

  Spend five or ten minutes each day cleaning up your desk and prioritizing your work for the next day. The following day will get off to a much better start if your desk is organized and you are not faced with overwhelming piles of paper. Don't use the top of your desk as a storage area. It should be a work area, with plenty of room to work.

  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  33. According to the speaker, what should the listeners do when they first get their mail?

  【解析】选[A]。根据文中的First of all, when you get your mail, open it and sort it right away可知,speaker建议listeners一收到邮件便马上进行分类整理,选项[A]正确。

  34. What should people do with their magazine subscriptions?

  【解析】选[D]。文中提到,If you find yourself falling behind in your reading, let some of those subscriptions go。本句是说如果订的东西没有时间看,就应该放弃订阅其中的一些,选项[D]与此相符,为答案。

  35. How often does the speaker suggest that the listeners clean out their files?

  【解析】选[C]。根据文中的Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers at least once a year可知,本题答案为[C],即至少要一年整理一次文件。

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