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时间:2007-11-22 0:14:06  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


People who don’t understand what their employers expect them to do may be headed for one of the most common and yet most avoidable career traps. If your boss doesn’t take the time to (36)______ properly what you are expected to do in your position, then keep asking questions until you know precisely what it is. Don’t limit your questions to matters of everyday (37)_______. Lee Colby, a management consultant based in Minneapolis, offers his advice. He says you can ask more (38)_______ questions like, “what are our department’s goals? How does my work fit in whit the overall (39)________ of the company?”

That method helped Lisa James, a assistant manager at an electronics company when James was (40)__________ to a new department seven years ago, she found herself not only working for the manager of quality but (41)_____________ 3 other managers. Because the job was both demanding and ill-defined, James had to put in 10-hour days as well as take work home. To (42)________ what was expected of her and what she hoped to get from her job in terms of career development, she crafted a list of goals in (43)_________ with her principal boss. (44)_____________________________________. Shortly afterwards, she was given a raise for her efficient work

If your boss is vague about what your goals should be, try this technique suggested by Atkin Simon director of a Boston-based management-consulting firm. (45)______________________________________________________. Then meet with your boss, (46)


36. explain
37. routine
38. significant
39. objective
40. transferred

The list proved so well thought out her boss used it as the basis for her annual performance reviews

Read your description, which most large firms provide, and identify the 2 or 3 most important tasks it mentions

point out the tasks you’ve chose and ask if they accurately reflect what your boss considers important



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