1. Further dispute would worsen your relations. �ٳ���ȥ��ʹ���ǵĹ�ϵ��
2. These areas may become infected with bacteria and this can worsen the eczema. ��Щ�����п��ܳ�Ϊ��Ⱦϸ��������Խ�һ����ʪ�
3. Confrontation is not appreciated and will only worsen rather than resolve any situation . ( does this mean when you smile at me you are actually upset ? �������Dz������͵ģ����һ�Ƚ���κ����ζ�Ҫ��⣨���Ƿ���ζ�������Ц��ʱ��ʵ������ܾ�ɥ��
1. grow worse
2. make worse
worsen ��ø���;
worsen the problem ʹ�����;
worsen the country's image ���˹��ҵ�����;
worsen the parent-child relationship ʹ��ĸ�ӹ�ϵ��;
Wildfires could worsen with global warming ȫ�������ůʹɭ��Ұ������Σ������;