1. Aethereally completely burdens of life is unthinkable, because that is the burden of having to bid farewell farewell real life. ��ȫû�и�������Ʈ�����Dz�������ģ���Ϊ����༴�����ʵ�����
2. "Farewell, then, farewell, you good, pretty little maiden, " said the swallow; and he flew out into the sunshine. ����ô�ٻ�ɣ��ٻ�ɣ����������ġ��ɰ��Ĺ��������˵������������̫����ȥ��
3. Not nostalgia, not sad, but would like to bid farewell to a period of time no longer belongs to them, bid farewell to the previous scene scene. ���������������˸У�ֻ������һ�β��������Լ���ʱ�⣬���һĻһĻ�������Ĵ�ǰ��
4. At the contradiction of word form and word content, word form dominates word. �ڴʵ���ʽ���������ì���У���ʽ�涨�Ŵʵı��ʣ�
5. Seeing a word, hearing a word, saying a word and writing a word helps to make it part of your active vocabulary. �ܹ�ʶ���������ڡ���ͷ����һ�����ʣ�����˵������������
ad verbum literally literatim word for word ���ֵ�;