1. At the contradiction of word form and word content, word form dominates word. �ڴʵ���ʽ���������ì���У���ʽ�涨�Ŵʵı��ʣ�
2. Seeing a word, hearing a word, saying a word and writing a word helps to make it part of your active vocabulary. �ܹ�ʶ���������ڡ���ͷ����һ�����ʣ�����˵������������
3. In terms of category of words, it can function as notional word, such as verb, pronoun, conjunction, as well as functional word, such as auxiliary word, emotional word, etc. �ڴ����ϣ���������ʵ�ʣ������ʡ����ʡ����ʵȣ�Ҳ��������ʣ������ʡ������ʵȡ�
4. Armour saw the word that a moment ago wrote carefully again, jubilate again suddenly: "Scrutiny the appearance of this word, resemble a hatbox clearly general, this certainly is ' box ' word." ������ϸ���˸ղ�д���֣����ֻ�ϲ������ϸ�����ֵ����ӣ����������ñ��һ�㣬�˶�Ȼ�Ǹ����С��֡���
5. When proofreading, don't trust your spell checker: it can tell you only if a word is a word, not if it's the right word. ��У�Ե�ʱ��Ҫ������Щƴд��顣��ֻ�ܸ�����ij�������Ƿ��ǵ��ʣ����ܸ�����������Ƿ��ö��ˡ�
ad verbum literally literatim word for word ���ֵ�;