1. A humorous scenario with witty dialogue delivers the best of music reality TV situations. һ����Ĭ�龰�Ի��ǵĶԻ��������������ʵ���������
2. Performing fan drum a crisp, lively, witty, humorous art style by the local people welcome. �ȹı������졢���á�ڶг����Ȥ������������ܵ�������ӭ��
3. Since I read Hemingway when I was 19, I have been attracted by his witty and charming way of writing, especially his "Iceberg Theory". �Դ���19�����꿪ʼ�����������Ҿͱ������ǻ��ָ���������д���ַ����������ر������ġ���ɽ���ۡ���
1. combining clever conception and facetious expression