1. sand beach , pretty girl, witching man, ebullient dance, ha ha. �к�̲����Ů��˧�磬���鱼�ŵ��赸��
2. HPEF sponsored Nimbus - 2003 in July 2003 in Orlando, and The Witching Hour (see). HPEF����2003�������ڰ������������2003��������ʱ�̡�
3. The party began at11 o'clock, an hour before the witching hour when the old year ended and the new began. ������11���ӿ�ʼ��1Сʱ��͵��˾�������������ٵ���ҹʱ�֡�
1. the use or practice of witchcraft
2. possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers