1. The sweet girl winked at me,and I realized she was only joking. �Ǹ��ɰ���С��������գգ�ۣ���֪����ֻ�������ں��ҿ���Ц��
2. "I wink! " said the one. ����գ�ۣ���С�ĸ���˵��
3. Maybe I should wink to get her attention. Ҳ����Ӧ�ø���ʹ��ɫ������ע�⡭
1. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to beat)
2. closing one eye quickly as a signal
3. a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly v.
1. signal by winking
2. gleam or glow intermittently
3. briefly shut the eyes
4. force to go away by blinking