1. A shifting flock of flamingos assumes a whimsical shape in the Gulf of Mexico. ��ī�����壬һȺ�ƶ��Ļ����������һ�����˳������״��
2. This was really a whimsical thought, and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it. ��ʵ����һ�����Ƶ��뷨�����Լ�Ҳ�������Լ�˼��̫��
3. Some people may think that this project whimsical, but with a few years ago, has substantially increased its feasibility. �������˻���Ϊ��һ��Ŀ�����쿪�������뼸��ǰ��ȣ���������Ѵ����ߡ�
1. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason