1. Perhaps most important of all for Watt. ����������˵����Ҫ��Ҳ���ǡ�
2. We couple the name of Watt with the steam engine. ���ǰ����ص���������������ϵ��һ��
3. A century ago the tradition began with a 700-pound ball of wood and iron, lit with 100 25-watt incandescent bulbs. �ô�ͳʼ��һ����ǰ����ʱ�Ĵ�����ľͷ����������ɣ��ش�700����װ��100��25�ߵİ׳���ݡ�
1. a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing a
2. Scottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industr
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James Watt ղķ˹������;