3. Analyzing crystal can be divided into plane analyzing crystal and bent analyzing crystal by shape, the bent analyzing crystal can be divided into Lorentz circle and log spiral crystal and etc. �ֹ⾧�尴�伸�����η�Ϊƽ�����侧�������侧�ַ�Ϊ������Բ�κͶ������������侧�ȡ�
4. This company mainly produces crystal stone, providing crystal white, Yuhuatai white, crystal yellow, crystal white linen, jute snowflakes, crystal gray and other products. ����˾��Ҫ����ˮ��ʯ�ģ��ṩˮ���ף��껨�ף�ˮ���ƣ�ˮ�����飬ѩ�����飬ˮ���ҵ�ϵ�в�Ʒ��
5. The results show that the crystal evolutive course of SCCW falls into three phases: equiaxed crystal phase, columnar crystal phase and single crystal phase. �������������ͭ�߲ĵľ����ݻ����̰������ᾧ����״���͵��������Σ�
glow-watch luminous watch radium watch ҹ���;
glow-watch luminous watch radium watch ҹ���;
glow-watch luminous watch radium watch ҹ���;
elemental crystal furnace mono-crystal furnace single crystal furnace ����¯;
elemental crystal furnace mono-crystal furnace single crystal furnace ����¯;