1. Waste draining pipe, offlet or drain pipe should be connected to the main pipe; each pipe should connect two valves with the most possible short valve-to-valve pipe length. ���۹ܡ���ˮ�ܻ���ˮ��Ӧ�ֱ����ӵ����Ե��ܹ��ϣ�ÿ�ܾ�Ӧ�����������ţ������ż�Ĺܶ�Ӧ�������̡�
2. Pipe production line: Double wall Metal Reinforced Spiral Corrugated Pipe production line Double wall corrugated pipe, Steel plastic composite pipe and PE pipe and HDPE spiral pipe production line. �ܵ��ࡪ���ֹǼ���ǿ���Ʋ��ƹܡ���ھ�˫�ڲ��ƹܡ����ܸ��Ϲ��Լ�ʵ�ڻ�ṹ�ھ���ϩ�ܳ��������豸��
3. Discuss varies waste treatment technics plan with customer together for living waste, medical waste, industrial waste, dejecta waste and sludge etc. ��ͻ���ͬ̽�ָ���������������ҽ����������ҵ��������㡢����������������շ�����
4. HDPE pipe used for lining is penetrated into a concrete pipe then it forms pipe-in-pipe structure so as to raise pressure bearing capacity of the concrete pipe. HDPE�ܾ���ǿ�ȸߡ���ʴ��ʹ�����������ܱڹ⻬�����Ṹ���ŵ㣬�ڳ�HDPE�ܿ�����������γ����������õĹ��йܽṹ��ʹ�������ܳ�ѹ���������ߡ�
5. the factory, the workshop discharge waste smoke, waste gas, waste water, waste residue and noise; 1�������������ų��ķ��̡���������ˮ��������������