2. Alice Walker (1944- ) is one of the distinguished black writers in the contemporary literary circle. ����˿���ֿˣ�1944-���ǵ�����̳�ܳ��ġ���ɫ�����ĺ�������֮һ��
3. Mr. Walker said he's terribly sorry but he has a very urgent deadline to meet the day after tomorrow. ���ģ��ֿ�����˵���dz���Ǹ������������һ���ܽ����Ĺ���Ҫ���ڽ�ֹ����ǰ����ɣ���
1. New Zealand runner who in 1975 became the first person to run a mile in less that 3 minutes and 50 s
2. United States writer (born in 1944)
3. a person who travels by foot
4. a shoe designed for comfortable walking
5. a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps inv
6. an enclosing framework on casters or wheels; helps babies learn to walk
Walker �ֿ�;
peter walker �˵á��ֿ�;
Ulrich Walker ������;
Allen Walker �������ֿ�;
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