1. Some manufacturers and retailers have voluntarily rolled out collection programmes in states that do not require them. ��ijЩ�ݣ�������Ҫ���£�һЩ�����̺����������Է����Ƴ����ռƻ���
2. A. No, not in general. A creature may leave the battle map voluntarily only if the scenario description specifically allows it. ��һ���������Dz��еģ����ǵ�ͼ������ȷ˵���˳��������������������˳�ս����
3. Finally, each year we will voluntarily report to Congress when we have invoked the privilege and why, because there must be proper oversight of our actions. ���ÿ�����ǻ���������ᱨ�����Ǻ�ʱ��ʹ��������Ȩ��˵��ԭ����Ϊ�����ǵ���Ϊ����Ҫ���ʵ��ļල��