1. Can vitriolic gentamicin use profess to convinced? �������ù�ؿ��������ڷ�?
2. Even the Liberal Democrat candidate��not fancied to triumph��reports vitriolic abuse on some doorsteps. ��ʹ�ǴӲ�����ʤ����������������ѡ�˱�����һЩ���ŵĿ̱�Ű����
3. The apathetic prodigy was left bereft of exultation brought by the triumphs because his reputation was besmirched by voluminous vitriolic invective . ���䵭����ͯ�Ѿ�ʧȥ�˳ɹ��������Ļ���ȸԾ����Ϊ�������������˹���Ŀ̱�á�
1. harsh or corrosive in tone
2. of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action