1. Bach s"Six Suites for Unaccompanied Violoncello"is always known as one of the great works in violoncello field. 巴赫的六首《无伴奏大提琴组曲》在大提琴领域一直被视为佳作。
2. Ltf professionally produces all kinds of musical instrument, including secondary and high-grade violin and violoncello. 曼陀铃等,包括中、高档小提琴,大提琴等,全套连外包装、盒子及各类配件。
3. Johann Sebastian Bach composed the Suite in G major is originally composed by Bach of Violoncello solo for his students. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的G大调组曲原来是为他的学生所创造的大提琴独奏曲。
1. a large stringed instrument; seated player holds it upright while playing