crime ָ���ص�Υ����Ϊ�����С� sin ��ҪָΥ������ԭ���Υ���ڽ̽��ɵĹ�ʧ�������Ϊ�� guilt ������ָΥ�����»������IJ�����Ϊ����Ӧ��Ͱ�֮�⡣���ֳͰ�����֤��Ϊ���ݵġ� offence ʹ�ù㣬�ɷ�ָ���κι����±������ɡ����ɵȵ�Υ���봥���������п��ؿ��ᡣ violation ָΥ�����ԡ���Լ�������Լ����ĵȣ�Ҳָ�ַ�Ȩ����
1. No violation in this case. Referee to the handle situation and guide accordingly. ������������档���лᴦ�������������������������
2. All shareholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of their rights. ���йɶ�����Ȩ�������ֺ�����Ӧ�л�������Ч�IJ��ȡ�
3. This paper analyzes the imputation of responsibility of single subjects violation of law and the responsibility sharing of. ���¾�������˵�һ����Υ�������ι����Ͷ�������Υ�������ηֵ���
1. a crime less serious than a felony
2. an act that disregards an agreement or a right
3. entry to another's property without right or permission
4. a disrespectful act
5. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will