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violation [,vaiə'leiʃən]



    n. Υ�����������ֺ���Υ����ǿ��



crime   ָ���ص�Υ����Ϊ�����С�
sin   ��ҪָΥ������ԭ���Υ���ڽ̽��ɵĹ�ʧ�������Ϊ��
guilt   ������ָΥ�����»�����׼�IJ�����Ϊ����Ӧ��Ͱ�֮�⡣���ֳͰ�����֤��Ϊ���ݵġ�
offence   ʹ�ù㣬�ɷ�ָ���κι��򡢵��±�׼�����ɡ����ɵȵ�Υ���봥���������п��ؿ��ᡣ
violation   ָΥ�����ԡ���Լ�������Լ����ĵȣ�Ҳָ�ַ�Ȩ����


    1. No violation in this case. Referee to the handle situation and guide accordingly.
    2. All shareholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of their rights.
    3. This paper analyzes the imputation of responsibility of single subjects violation of law and the responsibility sharing of.


      1. a crime less serious than a felony
      2. an act that disregards an agreement or a right
      3. entry to another's property without right or permission
      4. a disrespectful act
      5. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will


    ��; ��������; ��; ��;
    access violation
    ���ʳ�ͻ; �Ƿ�����; ��ȡΥ��; �����ƻ�;
    parity violation
    ��Ʋ��غ�; ��żΥ��; ���Υ��;
    sharing violation
    ����Υ��; ������ͻ; Υ����������; ������ͻ ����Υ��;
    clock violation


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