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vindictive [vin'diktiv]



    adj. ���޵ģ��б����ĵģ��ͷ���



    1. I am not a vindictive man. Once you are my prisoner, you shall live, maybe you will tend my camels!
    2. Product Liability; Reparation for Person Damage; Reparation for Property Damage; Reparation for Person Spirit; Damage; Vindictive Reparation.
    3. He complained so seldom, indeed, of such stirs as these, that I really thought him not vindictive: I was deceived completely, as you will hear.


      1. disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge
      2. showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite


    �����Ե�; ����ģ�����; �б����ĵ�; ������;
    vindictive employee
    �����Թ�Ա; ������Ա��;
    vindictive damage
    vindictive damages
    �����Ե��⳥; �������⳥; �ͷ������⳥��;
    vindictive punishment
    �����Գͷ�; �����Գͷ� �����Գͷ�;


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